Victor Mortis

Victor Mortis is the god of Undeath, and patron of necromancy.   He is the Ascended Boom Deadshot , also known as Gamrith.    


  Victor Vs Besar - During The Final Battle Victor and Besar exchange attacks from afar and share many words. (+2 CHA)   Your Worst Enemy - Victor resurrected Luke-an to fight against Besar in the final battle. (Once per day when you kill an enemy, you can force them to take a single attack against any of your enemies in range)   Death, and Return - Victor could kill an enemy with a word, then bring them back. (Once Per day you may cast Revivify)   What Is Life? - Victor, when he was a young wizard, accidentally revived a friend in the worst way, and the friend would die soon after. (Once per day when an ally falls, you may revive that ally with 5hp. At the begining of your next turn, that ally takes 10HP of necrotic damage.)   The Treaty - Victor was one of the primary writers of the Treaty of the New Gods, and helped establish the new divine law. (+1 INT and +1 CHA)


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