Who Killed Oliver Eltoris?

The Bliznea Bugle   Who Killed Oliver Eltoris?   By Lonnie Larson   It was a a bright morning after a long stormy night, when his body was found, with no visible trauma. Oliver Eltoris is one of an ancient family, one that claims to include the Goddess Iris, and Oliver was known to play with the families massive wealth. Eltoris Savings and Trusts is one of the largest banks in the world, and Oliver was given a cushy job in an office he never visited. He was known to avoid work, and he was known to party, as most playboys do, but he was also known to keep a low profile. Some have suggested his occasional page six head lines were for show, to keep up the appearance of this himbo headed playboy. Now, I suppose, that is a question we will not be able to answer.   Oliver had enemies, that is for sure. His own cousins, Attia and Edmond, both resented his public persona. There were of course his business rivals at the Bank of Tarring, or at Starbrooke Investments. There is, perhaps a jilted lover from the past? Maybe CAMP Headmistress Nataal? Or her best friend Bhumi Sufentes? That story ran in this paper for six months, and honestly, no one really knows how true it was.   Could it be an old friend? Sofia Timora is now a legend of Chorto, saving innocents and defeating warlords, but maybe an old secret was worth keeping. Or Midas Narkissos? He claims to have left his fiend patron, but maybe he made another deal? Maybe it was just random, maybe Oliver Eltoris was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.   Constable Byron Irons is on the case, but will not share his ideas or suspects, and I have reason to believe that is because he does not have any. The last number of years has seen crime grow in Bliznea, and has seen parties of heroes come out of the woodwork to try and stop it, but where was The Emerald Hood last night?


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