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Homebrew Rules

Ninja Modifications

Ninja characters gain the unchained rogue class ability Finesse Training at level 1.  

Skill Point Modifications

Fighters, Sorcerers, Clerics, Paladins, and Antipaladins receive 4+Int Modifier in skill points every level.  

Class Redudant Feats

If you pick a class that grants a feat that is merged or removed in Elephant in the Room: Feat Taxes in Pathfinder 2021, you may pick another feat that is the same generalization as the feat that is redudant. Weapon Finesse for example is removed, and unchained rogues acquire this feat. The player instead picks a different combat feat.  

Charging Modification

A character that charges another creature does not provoke attacks of opportunity from the creature they are charging, even if they have longer than normal attack range or reach. Any creatures that the charging character provokes from with their movement still applies.  

Rolling Hit Points

You may roll for hit points in my games or take the average. Rolling rules are simple and tilted in your favor if you do decide to roll. If you are a d6 HD class such as a wizard, you reroll all 1s. As you progress in dice, the minumum number you would reroll increases. For barbarian with a d12, you would reroll anything 4 or under. If you decide to take average, keep track of the .5 between level ups for later. It can add up to an extra HP point. Characters always receive maximum hit points at level 1.
  • d6 - Reroll 1s
  • d8 - Reroll 2 or under
  • d10 - Reroll 3 or under
  • d12 - Reroll 4 or under

Fall Damage

Damage cap increased from 20d6 to 50d6.  

Grapple Modification

Up to four times the grappled creatures size can attempt to grapple that creature. For example, four medium sized humans can attempt to grapple one medium sized human, eight small sized kobolds can attempt to grapple one medium sized human, two large sized creatures can attempt to grapple one medium sized human, and so on. A creatures minumum for how many creatures are capable of grappling it is always one. When multiple creatures are grappling one creature, they are all considered attackers. In addition to the normal +5 a creature gets to maintain a grapple, the creature also receives an additional +2 to starting and maintaining a grapple for each additional creature grappling the same target.   A defender that is against multiple grapplers rolls once and compares that roll against each creature's CMD. Each time the defender compares their roll against another creatures subsequent CMD, their CMB check is reduced by 2. Therefore, the defender may be able to shake off some of the creatures that are grappling it, but it gets harder as they go on. If the defender manages to shake off all the creatures grappling it, they may decide to become the controlling grappler and choose one of the creatures it shook off as their grappled target. If the defender fails against to beat a creatures CMD, they cannot continue to shake off any further creatures.   If a defender receives help through the aid another action to break free from a grapple, manages to break free from the grapple, and decides to become the controlling grappler, any within melee range that assisted through the aid another action may choose to immediately join in the grapple with a CMB check.  

Item Modifications

  • Drinking a potion is a move action.
  • You can keep up to five items exposed on your person to draw as a swift action. These items are exposed and capable of being broken or stolen.
  • Minimum for most items is CL 3rd. This improves potions of Cure Light Wounds to 1d8+3 for example.

Item Creation

All magical items created take at most a day's worth of effort, if not less.  

Learning Spells from Scrolls and Spellbooks

Rather than 1 hour, it takes 15 minutes.  

Charging avoids Attack of Opportunity

Creatures that charge another creature do not provoke attacks of opportunity from their target. Otherwise, rules still function as normal for every other creature.  

Flank me, I don't care

A creature, when flanked, can decide to ignore one or more of the creatures flanking it and focus all its attention on one foe. To every other creature not focused and flanking, they treat the foe as flanked and flat-footed. To the focused target, they are neither flanked or flat-footed.  

Frightened Condition Modification

A frightened creature cannot move closer to the source of its fear under any condition. It also cannot attack the source of its fear under any condition either. The main difference is that it doesn't need to run away. Panicked is still the same as before.  

Familiar Modification

You may combine any familiar special ability with any type of familiar. +4 initiative for everyone with their favorite animal.  

Diminishing Critical Threats

If you already have something that doubles your critical threat range, you can stack that to an extent with another effect to increase the critical threat range of a weapon by one. An example would be a greatsword with improved critical and keen. The weapon would have a critical threat of 16-20/x2.  

Ranged Sneak Attack Modification

For the purposes of qualifying for sneak attack, a character that is attacking a foe with a ranged attack may sneak attack if they are within 30ft. of the foe and a line can be drawn through the center of their characters token, the foe, and an enemy engaged in melee with the foe. See the following images below for examples.


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