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Omorful'henzio Khakranzee

The Dark Truth

Omorful'henzio Khakranzee is the Theotian of a dark truth, harbored and kept safe by its followers. It is said that the Eye of Madness knows everything, or at least that is what its followers preach. Since the beginning, Khakranzee has always had indiscernible motives. Sometimes, in times of duress its followers have come to the aid of those who have been downtrodden and victimized. Othertimes, it is the one who commits the acts that would lead to victimization. None have been able to get a true devout, one of exceptional standing within the clergy of the Eye, to reveal this so called dark truth. It creates a fanaticism, sparks an insanity so powerful that suicide is preferable to ever revealing this truth, and Omorful'henzio provides each devout that ability. Yes, you read that right, every follower who is revealed the dark truth is capable of instantly killing themselves whenever they so determine it necessary.   Thus, whatever this dark truth is, any action committed by the followers of the Mad Eye must be understood. They propagate something through every single one of their actions. Even something seemingly innocent, something that could not possibly harm another in any way, is likely a piece in a greater plan to a follower of Khakranzee.


A hideous and predatorial eye with an untold amount of tentacles . It's symbol is the eye of madness, with a sort of compass around it and some crescents.

Divine Domains

Dark Tapestry

Tenets of Faith

  • Truth must always be told, in one way or another.
    • Lies told must have a hint of truth to them, or lead towards an overarching realization.
  • Law and order are meaningless in the grand scheme of things.
  • To find truth, one must see through the lens of madness.
  • The truth is dark and disturbing, there is no retreat once you accept it.
  • Entropy is a part of this truth, and followers are expected one day to bring about the end to all things.
by Capitulize
Divine Classification
True Deity
Chaotic Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Eye of Madness, The Dark Truth, Khakranzee
Main Planes
Indelcaun & The Darkness
Holy Symbol/Sigil
The eye of madness, surrounded by a compass and some crescents.


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