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The Saetori have been a part of Aldebaran for as long as anyone can remember. Having most likely originated from the continents of Wom'lai and Eoyecuan, they have a slightly above average population size compared to other sentient races such as gnomes and kobolds. With their natural dexterity combined with their aerial mobility, they enjoy a position high upon the foodchain. The Saetori are a highly social race as well, quite commonly forming houses and clans to provide support and strength to one another. Originating within the mountainous regions of western Isrem they were one of the original founders of the Wrekuinao Dynasty with Humans, Oreads, and Vanara. Saetori quite often view other races with haughty attitude. While the Saetori will tolerate their presence, they are somewhat xenophobic. They particularly dislike Dwarves and Oread, finding their personality unrefined and "like that of a rock".   Saetori are very caste centric, with certain clans being higher than others among their society. A clan may be focused in the arts of weapon crafting, and chicks of a clan are expected to be raised into the next generation's blacksmiths. Likewise, a clan of higher status may choose their calling and even co-opt another clans responsibility, although this is a considered a great offense. It is rare then, to find a lone Saetori. As they would likely themselves not admit to being clanless, the greatest mark of shame to a Saetori is to be disowned from one's clan. Saetori within the Wrekuinao Dynasty typically have light colors, and meat-eater beaks. It also so happens that these species of Saetori are strictly carnivourous. The Saetori of Eoyecuan are quite different, being herbivores.  


Saetori are very tall, the average height of their race is 6"5. They have typical bird talons and 4 digit clawed hands. They have a beak, two arms and legs, wings attached to their backs, and tail feathers.   They differ wildly in color, plumage, and physical anatomoy. Their bills vary from long tipped and sharp fish eater beaks, blunt circular seed eater beaks, and more.  


Type Humanoid/(Avian)
Ability Score Modifier +2 Charisma or +2 Intelligence, +2 Dexterity, and -2 Strength
Size medium
Speed 30ft, 60 fly;
Language Saetori start with three regional languages. Saetori are capable of learning any language they want, excluding secret languages.

Racial Traits

  • [8 RP] Flight (Ex): Saetori are capable fliers, and have a fly speed of 60ft. with average maneuverability.
  • [1 RP] Low-Light Vision (Ex): Saetori can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
  • [0 RP] Bird Empathy (Ex): Saetori gain a +4 bonus on Handle Animal checks made to influence birds.
  • [1 RP] Bite (Ex): Saetori have sharp beaks, and they gain a bite attack. (1d3)
  • [2 RP] Natural Attack (Talons) (Ex): Saetori have bird feet with very sharp talons, gaining two talon attacks (1d4) while they are flying.
  • [1 RP] Weapon Familiarity (Ex): Saetori are proficient with longbows and treat all weapons with the word "saetori" in its name as a martial weapon.


Racial Weaponry

Saetori Talonbow - A unique invention of the Saetori race, this longbow has a hard drawstring and arrows made specifically for it so that they may fire the weapon with their feet while in the air.
Scientific Name
Aves Hominem   Origin/Ancestry
Avian   Lifespan
50-70   Typical Habitat
Warm region in Aldebaran, such as Wrekuinao, Astrulia, Eoyecuan, and Teobik.   Average Physique
Tall and Feathery, standard humanoid with large wings on back. Range in color, males come with exotic highlights.


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