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Many confuse the Sathaxrin with Iruxi, both being somewhat similar looking reptilian humanoids with the similar ideals towards emotion and culture. However, getting to know a Serpentfolk will show that they don't have the simple mindsets that many Lizardfolk harbor, rather they have near limitless ambition on either side of the axis. Sathaxrin are thought to originally be from the continent Wom'lai, where beast races make up the majority of the population. Ever since the conquests of the Wrekuinao Dynasty the beast races have been displaced across the world. While the highest density of Sathaxrin will be found within the Teobik and Wom'lai, it is not uncommon to find small pockets elsewhere.   While highly religious, they often worship gods of magic rather than pledge themselves as clerics or paladins. That is not to say a High Priest of Utosserix isn't respected, but a Masterful Wizard of the Arcane Arts would hold more dominion amongst his kind. Serpentfolk seek their own niche within cities and towns, as they tend to be misunderstood by the other races. Their emotional state and directness is simply unsettling. While not incapable of feeling sadness or regret, they focus more on purpose and self. A close individual's death affects a Sathaxrin far more differently than a human. While a human would understand the sadness they feel and may mourn for some time, the Serpentfolk would likely not understand its feelings and cast them off as unimportant while seeking something to fill that gap. This can put some of them into a rather unhinged state depending on how devastating the loss is, but some Serpentfolk often feel nothing at all while saying, "Death is natural, why should this one feel?"   Family, while something that exists, comes secondary to the clan a Sathaxrin belongs to. To a Serpentfolk, one's clan might as well be their family. To develop it's resources is expected, and to hold a position of power is an honor. When trading or dealing with a section of the city belonging to Serpentfolk, one should understand their traditions and who they're dealing with lest they incur some minor offense. Their culture shaped by the area around them, their traditions vary from clan to clan. However, a few staples between clans do exist. A common one is to be careful with jokes for Sathaxrin always take the joke at face value, very often unable to read any form of context.   A Serpentfolk without a clan will become a sad one very quickly. If no other Serpentfolk are around, they attempt to mimic clan-like structures with other humanoids around them. Despite apparent visual differences Saetori and Sathaxrin pair quite well together within meshed clans, and the two races actually have quite an affinity for each other. If the Serpentfolk doesn't feel that community bond within the local area, they usually become travellers or adventurers. Seeking purpose through glory and community through close companions, a Serpentfolk can make for a very loyal ally.  


Sathaxrin are not too much larger than the normal human, averaging out at 6ft. They stand up straight. They have two 4 digit hands, 2 digitigrade legs, and a long sinuous tail. Their scale colors often mimic normal snakes, such as the green garden snake, diamonback snake, copperhead, and more. They never have visible ears. Their physical features vary quite a bit based on snakelike attributes. Serpentfolk with long narrow snouts exist just as much as flat nosed ones. Rattle tails are rare, and considered holy among their culture are those with natural hoods. Oftentimes, they have small draconic spines along their spine and tail, another sacred trait amongst their kind. Their eye color is extremely varied, featuring many different and vibrant colors. Heterochromia is far more common than most other humanoids, although still somewhat rare.  


Type Humanoid/(Reptilian)
Ability Score Modifier +2 Dexterity, +2 to any mental score, and –2 Strength
Size medium
Speed 30ft.
Language Sathaxrin start with two regional languages and Aklo. Sathaxrin are capable of learning any language they want. (Excluding secret languages)

Racial Traits

  • [3 RP] Sathaxrin Immunities: Sathaxrin are immune to paralysis and poison.
  • [2 RP] Natural Armor: Sathaxrin have tough scales, giving them a +1 natural armor bonus.
  • [-2 RP] Sathaxrin Weakness: Sathaxrin take a -2 on mind-affecting effects.
  • [2 RP] Darkvision: Sathaxrin can see up to 60ft. in complete darkness.
  • [2 RP] Envenomed Bite: Sathaxrin gain a bite attack. (1d6 Medium Sized, uses the ability Toxic as a poison.)
  • [1 RP] Toxic: A number of times per day equal to his Constitution modifier (minimum 1/day), a Sathaxrin can envenom a weapon that he wields with his toxic saliva or blood (using blood requires the Serpentfolk to be injured when he uses this ability). Applying venom in this way is a swift action. Sathaxrin Venom: Injury; save Fort DC 10 + 1/2 the Sathaxrin's Hit Dice + the Serpentfolk's Constitution modifier; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d2 Str; cure 1 save.
  • [3 RP] Limited Telepathy: A Sathaxrin is able to mentally communicate with any creature within 30ft. with whom she shares a language. Otherwise this ability is identical to the telepathy ability.
  • [-1 RP] Cold Blooded: Sathaxrin are cold blooded humanoids and take a -2 on any cold related saves.
  • [2 RP] Sathaxrin Magic: Sathaxrin gain a +1 bonus to the DC of any divination spells that they cast. Members of this race with a mental score of 11 or higher also gain the following spell-like abilities (the caster level is equal to the user’s character level):
    • 1/day—detect thoughts, detect magic, ghost sound.

Scientific Name
Anguis Hominid   Origin/Ancestry
Reptile   Lifespan
100-200 Years   Typical Habitat
Warm Civilizations near the Equator   Average Physique
Average Sized and Scaled, frail straight figure with tail and snout.


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