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The Frog God Slaver

The power to control others, to force them to do what you want under threat of death or worse is what Slaveku desires of its followers. While some followers of Slaveku believe that they themselves are the ones in control, most recognize that they're simply a slave to the Titanic Toad themselves. Slaveku grants power because he wants to control others. Either through direct means or through proxy.   However this is only part of Slaveku's grand goal. Slaveku wants all to be under his domain, under what he considers the most perfect image. He views any form that is not a frog as inferior. Slaveku's favored races are Gripplis, Boggards, and Slaads. While Slaveku will abide clerics of lesser forms, one of his tenets is their eventual transformation into a more perfect form. Slaveku will make his clergy undergo the ritual of toadification, and one day, the world.   Slaveku was once thought to be a Slaad himself who had found the secret to true ascension. Not originally of the true pantheon, most other gods revile and hate the frog god. There is no true unity between followers of Slaveku, rather an open hostility. While cooperation is something acceptable, followers are always looking to stab each other in the back to subjugate them. Slaveku would have it no other way.


Slaveku is a gigantic giga huge toad that stands on two legs. He wields a sticky tongue like whip, which just so happens to be his holy symbol.

Divine Domains

Slavery (Chaos as Associated Domain)

Tenets of Faith

  • The frog is the most perfect form, the toad a perfect beast. Never harm toads or frogs.
    • It is expected that should you follow Slaveku, you will accept the toadification ritual. You are also to force as many others into this ritual as possible.
  • Might makes right, become strong enough to control others around you through force.
  • You are property of Slaveku, and he merely grants you the freedom and power to convert more to his flock.
Divine Classification
True Deity
Chaotic Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord of Toads, Frog God, The Titanic Toad (or Frog)
Main Planes
Indelcaun & The Abyss
Holy Symbol/Sigil Whip that looks like a frog's tongue


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