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The Gentle Mourning


Known as the Gentle Mourning, Magdalyn is one of the True Deities of the Velveteen Petals System. Magdalyn represents the sorrow that comes from any creature's death. Death is inevitable, it will come to the most righteous warrior as it will the most despicable monster. But while some might celebrate each other's death, the Gentle Mourning teaches that both sides represent a loss to the world that cannot be replaced. As that beings soul is committed to the journey and their essence to be remade, the individual that once existed upon Aldebaran is gone forever, and Magdalyn sheds her tears. The Gentle Mourning is thought to not be one of the original pantheon, having once been a person who had ascended past demi-god status and made her home within Indelcaun with the rest of the gods. The Gentle Mourning does not have bad relations with any of the other gods, nor do any with her. Her followers are more often than not allowed within any of the other god's temples, her neutrality towards death welcomed universally.   Her stances towards killing are rigid, death should only be given under the most extreme of circumstances. Due to this, adventurers who follow the Gentle Mourning's teachings are rare. While they exist, parties that have a member have to deal with the restrictions that they must follow, otherwise they risk their fellow's powers and companionship.


Magdayln is often depicted as a grieving woman in black dress with long flowing white hair that touches the ground. She always has an umbrella held over her head, and her sign is that of a mourning umbrella.

Divine Domains


Tenets of Faith

  • Any creature's death is to be respected.
  • Death is something to be doled out as a last resort.
    • Self defense is of course allowed, but non-lethal subdueing the foe must be your first course of action.
Divine Classification
True Deity
Neutral Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Weeping One, Lady in Black, Magdalyn
Main Planes
Indelcaun & Heaven
Holy Symbol/Sigil
A Black Mourning Umbrella


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