Ahura (AH hoo ra)

"the Grey Wanderer"


Known as 'the Grey Wanderer,' Ahura is the smaller of the two moons of Aldern. Ahura is the given name of the moon by those dwelling on the continent of Ethae, while those of Dergonhad know it as Nigala. It is also the farther of the two away, and in actuality is orbiting Aldern and Ahrima center of gravity rather than the planet itself. Ahura’s distance creates a orbit of twenty-eight days. From Aldern’s surface there is a lunar eclipse/conjuction of the two moons at midnight of the twenty-eight-day, marking the end of the day, starting the cycle over, the first day of a new month. This gave rise to the twenty-eight-day month.

Planetoid / Moon


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