Cony Sea

the Grand Divide


the Cony Sea is a hundred mile wide body of water, often consider the northern part of the far more famous Codi Sea. The sea sits as a divide between Novyum and Anbar. Flowing between the two reaches of Ethae it is the connection from the Codi Sea to the great oceanic bodies of waters north and west, eventually merging with the Pryde Waters and the Piercing Ocean beyond. Historically speaking it may well be one of the oldest used waters worldwide, with ships still common on its waves in the modern day.


Like the Codi Sea to its south, Cony is a shallow sea, reaching no more than 50 feet at its deepest. Its waters are biometrically diverse. Fish and plankton life are abundant, as are shellfish and coral. The latter has created problems in travel over the ages as the reefs have grown up near the surface wrecking ships that collide into the invisible threat below the waters.


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