Nanash (NAH nash)

the Tongue of Na Boon

  Nanash is the native common language of the Boon people native to the Na Boon islands, north of the continent of Dergonhad. In their homelands, the natives are known to have four languages, all birthed from the island’s first primordial settlers. Nanash is Na Boon’s primary trade language, unchanged for countless generations, used to connect with each other and with outsiders. No nonnative is ever taught one of the four cultural languages, only Nanash is taught and spoken to outsiders.


Al Seka - (the) World

Kinji - Forbidden

Mushi - Insect

Shima - Island

Uchi - Inside

Umi - Sea

Wan - Bowl

Yoake - Dawn


Bowl - Wan

Dawn - Yoake

Forbidden - Kinji

Insect - Mushi

Inside- Uchi

Island - Shima

Sea - Umi

(the) World - Al Seka


Author's Notes

Note: We use Japanese as the seed for this language.

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