Nipul the Deathbringer Character in Aldern | World Anvil

Nipul the Deathbringer (NEE pool)

Dark Daughter of Ireski

  Nipul the Deathbringer was a dragon of unknown color, though many assume red, that lived in the early randagri period. Little is known of her beyond her name. She appears in only one Stonefoot Carving. The Carvings claims her the child of Ereski, and sister of the dragon D. She with her bother attack the fledging dwarf people known as the Kefid who dwelt in the large cavern of their mother. She was known to be the most ruthless of the two, slaughtering many. One the Kefid fled and the lair was theirs however, Durnasul turned on his sister, murdering her and taking her young as his brides. Her story ends there.


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