Novyum Civil War Military Conflict in Aldern | World Anvil

Novyum Civil War

the Great War of the North


The Novyum Civil War, the Warlord's War, the Great War of the North, are names given to an ongoing conflict that has been raging on and off throughout much of the Northern Reach of Ethae for the past hundred or more years. There is no accurate begin day, with many pointing to different events and skirmishes at the start of it, but all can agree that it cause is the decline of the United Kingdoms of Novyum.


In the beginning the dissolution of the blotted remains of the Novya government was a welcome event. Then multitude of kingdoms and states that were members continued as they had under the banner of a united Novyum, albeit without central goverment oversite. Trade continued; states worked together to keep their lands tame.


The years past, then the decades. A new generation came and went, then another. Eyes began returning to Lakorth. Dreams of become the new Vron of Novyum filled the ambitious. Kings pushed their boundaries into weaker neighbors. Princes claimed territory as their own to become king in their own right. Nations seized each other's caravans. Soon total war broke out across the Reach in every nation.


What most thought would be a quick war, of only a few years, dragged on. Powers rose, fell, and rose again. Fighting flares up only to return to a cold war status. A century of this has crumbled many ancient kingdoms. New warlords rise to fill power vacuums. Petty kingdoms, princedoms, and fiefdoms are the norm. Each fighting more to remain, more than grow. Every state, large and small, is the enemy of every other state. A century of fighting has left bitter tastes in the mouths of most. Peace will never come unless one of the powers rises to conquer the rest, claim the title Vron and bring peace to a divided land.

Conflict Type
Civil War


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