Orcish Language in Aldern | World Anvil


Scaron (Scar on)


Known as Scaron, by the Orc, or Orc Tongue in Novyum, Orcish is the common language of the orc people. There are around a dozen dialects of the language across Ethae. Most of these dialects, however, have the core words of the language similar enough that those educated in Orcish can understand each other, no matter what region of the continent the speaker dwells.


Ansev - Land

Aseben - Horn

Draa - Wife, Mate

Hron - Crown

Jabbuk - Leader

Orqua - Orc

Scaron - Orcish

Scola - Council

Slala - Slave

Tal - Foot

Tol - Lake


Council - Scola

Crown - Hron

Foot - Tal

Horn - Aseben

Lake - Tol

Land - Ansev

Leader - Jabbuk

Mate - Draa

Orc - Orqua

Orcish - Scaron

Slave - Slala

Wife - Draa

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