
the Night Sisters


Succubi (plural of succubus) are fiends in service to Nyx, the Night Queen, one of the most powerful of the Nod Noch Nine. They are used to temp mortal men into Nyx's service, keep her priests under control, or eliminate any rebellion within the ranks of the cult. Though in her service, most are allowed to wonder free, doing as they please until called into service by their queen.

A succubus' natural form is that of a pale woman of unearthly beauty, with blood red eyes and lips. She has large wings, of black or red, that will often look a mix between a butterfly and a bat. Her hands are grotesque and deformed, and she will usually wear gloves to hide them when in her natural form.

The succubus has the ability transform into her mortal for, looking as she did in life, at the peak of beauty and youth. She has some influence of this transformation, altering features like hair and body parts size. Anything to draw the desire of her target. Some have even been known to transform their sex to male for a time, becoming what many call an incubus. Through any of these alterings, however, the succubus can still be seen. They cannot completely change their face. A curse for their own lust for power and immortality.


A succubus can also become ethereal and near invisible. In this form she can pass through solid objects and her whispers seep lust into the minds of men, and women. She will often visit sleeping victims whispering herself into their dreams to prepare them for her physical arrival. Immortal and patient succubus know they have plenty of time for their slow burn plans. Their goal is to have their victim so consumed by lust that they will give into temptation as soon as the succubus appears to them.


Succubus are created by Nyx when she discards a mortal body she has used as an avatar. The young, beautiful, women give their bodies over to Nyx for her use to enter the mortal world. This will often result in the weaking and eventual death of the mortal taking on the essence of the Aggoles. Nyx however has learned how to channel that power into a transformation for the women into succubus. An ability she refuses to teach the other of the Nine.


These fiends sustain themselves off the lifeforces of mortals. This is feed through intimate acts. While some cults claim that the fiend must physically consume the sexual organs of their victims, this is just folk lore. Succubi absorb this energy through the physical touch and the height of pleasure. While the creature could kill a victim in a single night of endless lust, they will often prolong the murder over several nights, weeks, or even months. Their victim slowly dying, killing themselves in the pleasure they come to be addicted to.


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