the Common Tongue Language in Aldern | World Anvil

the Common Tongue

Novynesse (NOVA neez)


As the Lakorth power waned throughout the north, the Lakortha language splintered into many regional dialects. One such dialect was Novynesse, spoken in the Nopum people on the far northern edge of the continent. As Nopum monopolized sea trade in the Piercing Ocean, their dialect replaced Lakortha as the dominate trade language for sailors. With the rise of Nopum power across Novyum the language spread. It is now the most common language of all Ethae. So pervasive is Novynesse that its orginal name is lost, simply named for the Reach it dominates. It has also come to be known as Common, or the Common Tongue.


Author's Notes

Note: We use english for language.

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