Session 1: The road to Dawn Report Report in Aldona | World Anvil
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Session 1: The road to Dawn Report

General Summary

Our heroes met at the Franky and Dest inn where they were a little wary of their newfound patron Adalbert. But after a surprise attack by Rethna, our heroes valiantly fought off her shades as she rushed off to find Sir Swiftfoot.   Once the tavern clearned, Charles had a few questions for the young squire as did Val and Axol. He answered well enough and coerced our heroes to escort him to the Masters tower.   A half day walk later, they arrived and old and beat up gate. Adalbert push a special rock and opened the gate to reveal an extravagant rose garden. A shade ran into the maze and was quickly gathered by one of the patrol spiders. Wanting to waste no time, Charles decides to climb the top of the maze to see the end, but as he climbed the walls grew higher and higher. After some persuasion from his new friends, Charles descended. Adalbert produced a piece of paper provided by his master and read it out loud. Recognizing the hint, Val turned around and walked backward, revealing the end of the maze. Seeing success, the party follows suit and quickly finds the portal to the next trial.   The second trial left our heroes with a sweet tooth. After hearing a loud roar, Axol and Val climb a nearby rock to see the source only to reveal a Giant Gummy bear and its cubs resting nearby the next portal. Axol was able to swiftly climb the rocks, however Val slipped as she climbed and let our a noise that alerted the bears to their presence.  The party jumped into action as the bears began to charge. Val let loose a roar of her own, starling the 2 smaller cubs, but the large one charged in. With 2 big swipes of its gummy paws, the Mama bear pinned Axol to the ground. Thinking quickly, they decided to take a bite of their own took a large chunk out of the paw loosening its grip. Charles rushed in and let loose a mighty swing, cutting the arm off and freeing Axol. The cubs rushed to defend their mama, the first cub not quite making the distance while its brother FUSED with the mother, repairing some of its wounds. Summoning some magic of her own, Val let loose a volley of whispers that scared the mama away from her allies, force the bear to run. Shaking the magic, the mother turned back toward our heroes and charged once again, this time, absorbing its other cub along the way. Not wanting a repeat of the last attack, Axol summoned a pair of frozen knives and hurled them at the bear, freezing it in its tracks and causing it to shatter into tiny delicious pieces. After a brief snack attack, the party jumped into the next portal and were whisked away.   Our party landed on a platform far off the coast. Pulling the final clue from his pocket, Adalbert and the party were stumped at first. As they attempted to decipher the riddle, Charles noticed a hole below the stairs. Adalbert attempted to walk up the stairs but after each step the rotated him back down. Pausing for a moment, Axol, Charles, and adalbert began to sing. This allowed them to follow the staircase to the tower and their final destination.

Rewards Granted

Level up

Missions/Quests Completed

Escort Adalbert to the tower

Character(s) interacted with

Rethna - Villian   Adalbert - Main contact.
Shadows of Eldora
Valkry Pentaghast
None Kalashtar (Silverquill Student)
Bard 3
24 / 24 HP
Report Date
09 Jun 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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