Session 6: Burzag Farm Report Report in Aldona | World Anvil
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Session 6: Burzag Farm Report

General Summary

Having been woken up early, the old orc invites the party into his home. After brief introductions, Dushkul formally invites the party to stay the night out of the storm. Dushkul provides some backround information about Verdant Watch, the redbrands, and how he was injured. The party goes to bed with the exception of Pix and Axol. They decide to investigate the widmill. Nothing appears out of the ordinary untill they reach top. Finding a smattering of blood, they begin to investigate. However the rain and cloud cover prevents any real investgation. Finding no further leads, they turn to bed.   The next morining, the party assists Dushkul with repairing the farm.   Axol heals his limp with a generous use of healing touch. Zaph uses his mighty hammer smash.... i mean mend items around the farm. Sildar and Dushkul catch up. Pix, Charles, Zaph, and Axol investigate the widmill. Starting at the top, the party begins to look for any additional clues but find none. Charles at the last minute finds a bloody dagger hidden in one of the crates. He quickly takes the dagger to Dushkul and inspects it. Without a body to compare it too, its impossible to tell who was injured. However the dagger bears the same symbol as the letter sent to Klarg, the Court of Shadows.   With not much time left in the day, the party bids farewell to Dushkul and carts off to Verdant Watch. They arrive at sundown and have just enought time to deliver the cargo to the Lionshield Coster. They are greeted by Linene who is grateful of the safe arrival of Sildar and her cargo. She pays the party 50gp and offers any further help she can tot he party.    Pix inquires about some goggles that may help her see at night. Not able to provide the items she seeks, Linene offers to consult with Iarno, a local wizard.    The party retires to Stonehill Inn. Sildar sets up rooms for the party and agrees to meet the morning.    Val sees a fellow bard performing his craft to the audience. She gestures to take a turn, performs her own rendition of "" t to average success. Impressed by her potential, Cassian ends the show and bids Val a good night.  Val seizes the opportunity to find some company for the night.    The party wakes to find Sildar downstairs. After a quick recap the party breaks to continue their search for Gundren.  They listen in around the inn for some rummors. -Narth, an old farmer: “Sister Garaele, who oversees the Shrine of Luck, recently left town for a few days, then returned wounded and exhausted.” (See the “Shrine of Luck” section for more information.) -Elsa, a gossipy barmaid: “Daran Edermath, the orchard keeper, is a former adventurer.” (See the “Edermath Orchard” section for more information.) -Trilena, the innkeeper’s wife: “Thel Dendrar, a local woodcarver, stood up to the Redbrands a tenday ago when they came by his shop and leered at his wife. The ruffians murdered him. Several townsfolk saw it happen. The Redbrands grabbed his body, and now his wife, daughter, and son have gone missing too.” (Unknown to Trilena and the other townsfolk, the Redbrands took Thel’s wife and children to their secret hideout.) -Pip, Toblen’s young son: “Qelline Alderleaf’s son Carp said he found a secret tunnel in the woods, but Redbrands almost caught him.” (See the “Alderleaf Farm” section for more information.) -Freda, a weaver: “The Redbrands hassle every business in town, except for the Phandalin Miner’s Exchange. They don’t want trouble with Halia Thornton, who runs it.” (See the “Phandalin Miner’s Exchange” section for more information.)   Armed with new knowledge the party splits:   Sildar seeks out his old friend Iarno. Val, Axol, and Charles listen in on some rummors and watch for patterns in the Redbrand members around town. Pix and Zaph decide to head to the miners guild   Zaph introduces himself and Pix to Halia and offer to provide protection services. She offers to pay them to take care of the redbrand gang and informs them that a goblin may have additonal information on the Cragmaw fortress. The pair decide to return to the party. Pix nicks a scarf from a a passing Redbrand.   Val's group yields surprising results. Val is able to deduce the likely hideout of the redbrands by watching the their patterns. However before tehy are able to share with eh party, Sildar approaches with bad and badder news. The bad new is that Iarno has gone missing. The worse news is that he attracted the attention of the redbrands who follow him back to the group.   At that moment,  a quartet of red scarved men approach the party, a dwarf, a half elf, and 2 humans. They attempt to intimidate the party into leaving however Axol steps in. Not liking her tone, the group attacks.   Charles charges in and takes a large bite out of one of the brigands. Val hits the group with a thunder wave that finishes the first ruffian and damages the rest. The 3 are able to stand their ground, however Axol follows up with an Ice Knife attack that freezes one target and severly damages the other. Seeing his partner frozen, the one closest to Axol performs a double slash that cuts deep into her side.    Zaph and Pix cut through the crowd and charge into the fight. Zaph misses with his hammer swing but Pix is able to pick off the ruffian that hit Axol taking it down.   Charles having easily parried the last ruffians attacks, take the butt of his sword and knocks out the final thug.   Zaph calls upon his conviction and heals Axol. Having seen the fight, a few lurking Redbrands dash off into the distance to inform their group of the new troublemakers.

Rewards Granted

50 GP - Lionshield Coster Red Cloak   Sold Gear Leather Armor - 5gp 1 Scimitar - 10 gp Dagger - Will offer to return later - magic Helmet - 3 gp

Missions/Quests Completed

Deliver Sildar and the Lionshield supplies to Verdant Watch

Created Content

Bloody dagger
Shadows of Eldora
Zaphod Hammerhand
Lawful Good Mountain Dwarf (Mercenary Veteran)
Paladin 2
22 / 22 HP
Valkry Pentaghast
None Kalashtar (Silverquill Student)
Bard 3
24 / 24 HP
Report Date
05 Nov 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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