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Dragons & Dragonborn

Dragons are an ancient, near-primordial race innate connected to primal magic, one of several sources of magical power. They stand alongside Elementals and Giants as titans of elemental power, capable of growing to massive sizes with fluent command of their own innate powers. Likewise, Dragonborn were a servitor race created by the united efforts of the wizard mage-lords of the Age of Divinity and the Chromatic Dragons, who required loyal servants to serve them as the other races would always look for ways to betray them and could never share in their loyalty and innate draconic pride.

Basic Information


Dragons have two wings and four limbs, their wings capable of grabbing onto land for support when perching. They also have tails, reptilian eyes, and long rows of sharp teeth. They are also capable of breathing various sorts of breath like fire, ice, or lightning to name a few.

Genetics and Reproduction

Dragons and Dragonborn reproduce via laying eggs, both capable of laying up to 1-5 eggs at a time, though Dragonborn usually have less.

Ecology and Habitats

Dragons often take up residence within environments that suit their sub-types: Red Dragons reside in volcanic or hot lands, Blue Dragons fly alongside storms, White Dragons keep to the cold and snow etc.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Dragons and Dragonborn eat whatever they can, being omnivores.

Biological Cycle

Dragons are functionally immortal, aging like reptiles with their shells and scales growing larger and larger to accommodate their ever-growing bodies.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Generally the older dragons rule over the younger, but some clans can command a tribal stance of "the strongest rule", in which dragons fight one anothe rfor supremacy. However, due to the rarity of dragon nests and the now singular nature of the creature, they often keep to themselves.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Due to their primal connection, draconic organs and body parts are extremely powerful components for alchemy and spells.

Average Intelligence

Dragons start out instinctual when first born but quickly grow to a strong level of sentience.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Dragon's senses grow with them, empowering their scent, hearing, and sight to the point that they develop powerful truesight upon become ancient.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Dragons often keep a title to their name, only having the single one given to them by their parents until they commit a deed that deems them worthy of an identifier.

Major Organizations

  • Order of the Paragon Scale: These are warriors and dragons aligned to Bahamut, keen to curb draconic arrogance and to cultivate peace and unity between the draconic and non-draconic races.
  • The Vow of the Rexes: These are warriors and dragons aligned to Tiamat, sworn to see dragons seated upon the throne of the world, ruling all of the rest of creation. They were the original creators of the Dragonborn before the Order co-opted their experiments.


Tiamat and Bahamut, the two oldest and most well known draconic gods, are believed to be the ones who created their children, the Dragons. They were powerful and dominated the lands that they resided in, as well as their neighboring denizens who could hold no power against them. However, their interactions with the other ancient races were what drove Tiamat and Bahamut into their everlasting war, as Tiamat believed her children to have the right to rule over all other creations due to their innate strength and prowess, whilst her brother Bahamut believed that they should co-exist with the rest of existence, offering guidance and protection so all beings could grow with dragons to levels of true prosperity.   The dragons who sided with Tiamat's beliefs were cursed by Bahamut's ire, turning their resplendent, brilliant scales dull to a sheer chromatic color, an easy identifier for enemies and traitors of the Father of Dragons. Tiamat took these children in and the war between chromatic and metallic dragons has continued on ever since, with new dragons sometimes coming into existence from the happenings of wizards, from the trysts of metallics and chromatics, and sometimes even from beyond the realm itself.   The Dragonborn were born of a united effort between the ambitious Mage Lords of the Age of Divinity, and a circle of Chromatic Dragons known as the Vow of the Rexes, a cult dedicated to Tiamat that exists to this day. Together, they worked to create a race that would be able to serve the Dragons loyally, sharing a kinship with their pride and power that the Dragons' human and mortal slaves simply could not have.

Historical Figures

  • Robane the Reducer: Once the leader of the Vow of the Rexes and the starter of the War of Embers, Robane was a colossal red dragon that stood as Tiamat's champion eons ago, battling against the Order of the Paragon Scale in belief that dragons deserved to rule over all creation, fearing that mortals would overpower and enslave his kind in the future if they gave into kindness and unity now.
  • Lugharen, the Greenscribe: Once Lugharen's strategist and war general, Lugharen was uncovered and fell into the service of House Grey, where he met and eventually fell in love with, married and healed its once-sickly matron, Sophia Grey. He now serves as Consort to Lady Grey within the Kingdom of Morne.
  • Vordyn the Black:
  • Allithor of the Soaring Lore: A blue dragon that served the Knowing Mistress, Ioun, coveting secret knowledge and acting as her instrument of destruction against her enemies when necessary.
  • Naytrenor, the First to Flee:
Scientific Name
Raxes Draconis
Conservation Status
Most dragons have been kept and protected within a hidden realm known as Dragonshaven, conjured by the Order of the Paragon Scale to help house the dragons who wished not to fight during the War of Embers. Eventually, it grew and grew using the power of sympathetic wizards, capable of housing all dragons who wished to flee the material plane and live in peace.
Average Height
30 feet
Average Weight
Average Length
60 feet
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Draconic coloring often tells of their natural abilities: Red and gold dragons breathe fire, white and silver breathe ice, and so on. There are also a number of draconic subtypes listed below:
  • Metallic Dragons: These are the divine children of Bahamut and Tiamat, still empowered with their original glory and resplendence, but this does not influence their alignment like most people assume it does.
  • Chromatic Dragons: These are the dragons cursed by Bahamut to be known forever as his enemies, taken in and protected by their mother Tiamat. Their color also does not influence their alignment as most people believe.
  • Gemstone Dragons: These dragons are believed to be the product of unions between Metallic and Chromatic Dragons, carrying a piece of the resplendence from their metallic parents but the chromatic colors of their chromatic parents.
  • Primal Dragons: These dragons are ones who have either fully given into their primal origins or have grown so old that their material bodies have melded into the elements they have aligned with. As such, they are rare and nearly impossible to survive if confronted.
  • Esoteric Dragons: These dragons are ones who have melded with concepts and energies beyond their primal origins, such as Shadows, Time, Chaos, and other powerful aspects of the universe. These are the rarest and most powerful dragons ever recorded.

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