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The Dwarves are a race that resides within the continent of Aldris, harboring a deep-seated respect for the gods and the earth, viewing the latter is the ultimate provider of protection and resources. Primarily subterranean due to their ancestry, the Dwarves are believed to be the closest biological descendant of the ancient race of the Astarta or First Being, with a natural drive to build and create things whilst fostering a rooted honor of family and lineage.

Basic Information


Dwarves have traditional humanoid bodies but stand between the Lowfolk and Humans/Elves in terms of height, standing between 4 and 5 feet. They also are also generally Mesomorphic, having large skeletal frames while being able to gain muscle and lose fat very easily, especially given their harsh working and survival conditions.   Dwarves also have extremely thick eyelashes and coarse hair that grows fast, an evolutionary trait that came to them to due to their subterranean lifestyle. Their hair and lashes work as natural curtains and filters against flecks of dirt and dust caused by mining, allowing them to dive deep without the need for a face cover.   Dwarves can also mentally work to grow their hair at will, a full beard expanding out in minutes. They can also actively harden the fibers in their beard, changing it from normal hair texture into a near-solid leather-like membrane that can stop daggers and lessen blows.   Dwarven women can also grow beards.

Genetics and Reproduction

Dwarves produce sexually.

Growth Rate & Stages

Dwarves can live to be up to 200, growing to adulthood at 25. In their yough, dwarven hair often has an ombre mixture of the dwarf's parents, but over time can sometimes matte out into a single color.

Ecology and Habitats

Dwarves often are at home in tunnels, caves, and under mountains, as their ancient history deems those places to be the safest when times of peril arrive. They wish to have as little open space as possible, as walls of stone and rock protect them from all that lays beyond. Thusly, they can focus on the single spaces that remain open, rather than needing to watch all over their surroundings.   Dwarves also prize creation and require materials of ore, precious metals, gems, and so on, which are also found deep within the ground. Thusly, their settlements are found near, if not within, various caves, caverns, and other subterranean descents.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Dwarves are omnivores.

Biological Cycle

Due to their ability to control their natural hair growth, Dwarves can expand their hair to accommodate their surroundings. In the cold of winter, their heads can be completely covered to the point that they can be knotted up in makeshift hoods and scarves, whilst in the summer, they shave their heads and trim their beards.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Dwarven hair is said to be as strong as leather, capable of being able to make cord, wrappings, and even makeshift rope.

Facial characteristics

Dwarves often have strong square features with large noses, small ears and eyes, and large lips. They are prone to getting wrinkles early in their life.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Dwarven noses are large to acclimate to the smell of underground gases and scents, and their eyes are acclimated to dark areas due to years in the caverns and tunnels of their home.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

Dwarves knot and tie their hair into a great variety of braids, designs, and other styles. Chains, beads, tubes, and other decorations are also very common. They also find large muscles and a passion for crafting or dedication to be appealing traits.

Gender Ideals

Dwarves believe that your life is the story of your own creation, and whether you start that journey as a man and end as a woman or vice versa, or if you choose to be neither, it has no impact so long as you have a strong character and something to show for your time alive.

Courtship Ideals

Dwarves are incredibly gift-centric and during courtship will often have what is known as a "Courtship Chain", which can be a necklace, ring, beard bead, or anything that they use to identify that they are currently with a partner. As the relationship goes on the Chain is added to, with new jewels being added to rings or necklaces, or more beads being added along with the original to form an actual chain.   Upon the wish for marriage, the Dwarf will add a large emblazoned gemstone piece to the Courtship Chain, usually of some significance to their partners such as their birthstone, favored stone, or a stone similar to their eye color. The Dwarf presents this piece during the wedding ceremony, and to not bring a gift to a dwarven wedding is scene as an insult or a wish for bad luck upon the union.

Common Taboos

Dwarves are incredibly honorable and do not look favorably upon deceit or underhandedness. This often leaves them predictable and short-sighted when it comes to matters of personal honor. But this does not mean that they are foolish.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Dwarves share a common ancestor with the Orcs, Elves, and Humans, and are thusly able to breed with each one.
200 Years
Average Height
4 to 5 feet.
Average Weight
250-350 lbs
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Dwarven hair colors run the range of natural tones to earthy tones, while their eyes can vary to all colors due to their gem-based affinity. Their skin also relies on the environment, with darker skin being more common in sunny, dry areas and lighter skin in colder biomes.
Geographic Distribution

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