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Dagult Neverember


Former Open Lord of Waterdeep. Currently ruling over the city of Neverwinter; overseeing it's reconstruction.   Rise and Fall of Lord Neverember

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  • 1450 DR

    14 Mordgar

    Destruction of Neverwinter
    Disaster / Destruction

    Neverwinter is destroyed when a small adventuring party awoke the primordial Maegera beneath Mount Hotenow.

  • 1467 DR

    6 Jait

    Lord Neverember Becomes Ruler of Neverwinter
    Political event

    Lord Dagult Neverember, Open Lord of Waterdeep, proclaims himself ruler of Neverwinter and begins the New Neverwinter movement to rebuild the city.

  • 1484 DR

    Felonous Rumors

    Rumors begin to make their way through multiple circles of Waterdeep society of criminal malfeasance in the Palace.

  • 1489 DR

    13 Oa'kdir

    Lord Neverember Deposed
    Political event

    Laeral Silverhand returns to Waterdeep and Lord Neverember is deposed.


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