Callys Melithannia

Callys Melithannia (a.k.a. Cal)

Callys Melithannia is an aspiring paladin, following in the footsteps of her absent father. Trained from the age of 10 by her friend and mentor Kethnes Gyssetlithar she holds herself with an adult maturity, even though her friends are more familiar with the precocious 17 year old girl just under the surface.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Cal is formidable: tall for a girl and a half-elf, and particularly tall being both of those things. Her body is powerful, honed from spending almost half her life in a dedicated combat training program. Her face is conventionally attractive without being beautiful and, taken as a whole, Cal is physically commanding in ways she doesn't fully realize, or have grown into, yet.

Body Features

Cal is surprisingly muscular, particularly in her back, shoulders, and legs. It gives her a solid, almost chunky look even though she is quite athletic and fit. To most people and creatures she is a particularly big creature.

Facial Features

Cal is passably human other than her distinctly elvish ears which are often hidden by her hair. Her training was the real deal and she bears scars at the point of her chin and along her left eyebrow, the latter naturally concealed unless you are close up with her. Her nose was also broken and, while it healed well, it was subsequently rebroken in a violent confrontation with a zombie owlbear and now has a distinctive crook. She has two slight claw mark scars on the right side of her neck.

Identifying Characteristics

Cal has long, wavy hair. Normally she wears it down tied with sticks from (tree type) conspicuosly framing her face. When anticipating battle she ties it up tightly to avoid its being grabbed.

Physical quirks

Cal is generally quiet and self-contained. That is exacerbated recently by her many defeats in combat and the encrocahing power of her new magic and the influence of Jireti.

Special abilities

As a child and teenager, Cal both expressed and perceived magic in ways those around her cannot. She tried to repress that given her inability to understand let alone control it. However, as she went out into the world and met other magic users, her experiences ignited the magic within her and she is expressing magic openly in her daily life. She is both scared and excited about this development as she struggles to master it.

Apparel & Accessories

Cal's adventuring wardrobe is relatively utilitarian. When not armored she wears dark brown trousers, a dark green blouse, and a midnight blue cloak.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Cal identifies strongly as a female; that gender is core to her sense of herself. She additionally feels a sense of personal identity and pride in her size, strength, and physical potency compared to other women. Much of her personal sense of confidence and identity is wrapped in that. She has questioned it somewhat in light of her recent and frequent reversals.


Cal AFK slotted into her natural cis (female) gender and straight sexual preferences. She has felt attraction to both genders in her private fantasies and self-gratification but only approached men in the real-world. She has limited actual sexual experience and it was not enjoyable, so she is a little cautious about exploring sex with other people.


Cal completed ordinary school and was a good student. She was smart enough and worked hard when focused but her primary devotion to her combat training kept her from standing out. She enjoys reading in her free time.


From a young age, Cal kept up with her obligations on the family spelt farm. While not overly arduous on their own, combined with her reasonable commitment to school and total commitment to combat training, Cal spent very little time with normal social activities. During those times, instead of hanging out with friends, Cal would more often head into Manda to learn about the world from travelers and the library.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Cal's dutiful contributions to her family's work product and schooling were not worthy of particular recognition or award. Her superlative achievements as a student of Kethnes, given that it was just the two of them and he being parsimonious in giving praise, culminated in her being made to feel competent and successful but without any designation that would otherwise seem socially special. As such, she entered the world feeling confident and self-assured about her abilities in isolation but also both feeling like nothing special, and feeling ambiguity because her abilities are unproven beyond the training ground.

Failures & Embarrassments

As Cal encountered a variety of combat situations in the real-world, and being repeatedly pummeled and punished, her confidence plummeted and left her feeling adrift. She no longer has faith that she is an effective fighter in a real-world setting, theorizing that her skills may only be appropriate for a wartime, coordinated soldiery, setting.

Mental Trauma

Since leaving home Cal has struggled in her adventuring. Trained as a highly competent fighter, she has been crushed and incapacitated by various foes. While her being the focus of antagonist's ire has allowed her companions to shine and succeed as a partial result of her oppression, it has introduced serious doubt in her mind about the true quality of her combat skills out in the real world.

Intellectual Characteristics

Cal is smart but not notably intelligent. She is naturally curious and eager to learn, but comprehension requires study and contemplation, new ideas don't integrate quickly. Her general disposition to learning makes her seem smarter than she is. Combined with her size and general attractiveness, all of this makes her feel like a natural leader, giving her a strong and commanding presnce. She does not really understand these leadership traits yet and, combined with her life being primarily about work, study, and more one-to-one encounters with new people, she does not see herself as a leader or even know how to adopt the role. This is doubly so as she has lost all faith in her martial prowess.

Morality & Philosophy

Cal is an inherently good person. While not always outwardly obvious, she cares for the wellbeing of others and strives to be helpful and contribute to the greater good. While she generally adheres to the rules she is also not afraid to break them if it seems necessary. She is not religious but has magical powers that she believes are tied to religion in ways that she does not understand.

Personality Characteristics


Cal is trying to find her place in the world. She struck out intending to become a paladin, but in light of her incompetence in battle, emerging magical powers, and increasing infiltration from the god Jireti, she is currently seeking her place and purpose in the world.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Cal has good situational awareness and responds well to immediate threats but is not good at more strategic planning and thinking.

Likes & Dislikes

Cal loves coffee. She grew up in a coffee culture, but it was only when having the incredible coffess of Gedeli that she really embraced this as a unique and important part of herself. She also seeks out spelt breads as a nostalgic tie to her home and childhood.

Virtues & Personality perks

Cal is courageous and reliable. Even now as her confidence is waning and she questions her ability to be an effective fighter she instinctively leaps into the teeth of trouble and tries to protect those who are less powerful than herself.

Vices & Personality flaws

Cal does not have a sophisticated sense of resolving conflicts or confusion with other people. In those cases she is likely to retreat and disengage in order to process on her own.


Cal is generally well-groomed and put together but not overly precious about her comportment or appearance.


Contacts & Relations

Mother: Rualys Melithannia Father: Auguste Chevalier Mentor: Kethnes Gyssetlithar

Family Ties

Cal is intertwined with her mother's side of the family, which on both sides have come from Manda and its environs for generations. She lives on the Melithannia family farm with her mother and maternal grandparents. She has never met her father and only knows of him by reputation and limited word-of-mouth research she's done over the years.

Religious Views

Cal was not religious growing up, with the most mild of connections to her grandparents moderate devotion to Medija and Amisitic practices.

Social Aptitude

Cal is generally quiet but can be outgoing with one or a small number of people she either knows or finds interesting. Once engaged she is socially capable although prone to disengage if she feels emotionally confused or challenged.


Cal has the slight nervous energy so common in the young.

Hobbies & Pets

While not hers by ownership, one of Kethnes' horses, White Wind, has been as if her pet for the last five years. She cared for him on a daily basis as if he was her own.


Cal speaks with an unusually deep voice. She sounds well-educated but not intellectual, and quickly slips into elvish whenever it would be contextually acceptable.

Wealth & Financial state

Cal is a young adult just getting started in the world and has no notable wealth.

Callys Melithannia was born to Rualys Melithannia and Auguste Chevalier outside the town of Manda in Mekari Province in the Mehali Kingdom.

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
17 years old
Date of Birth
10th of the Fall, CT, 1367; the 2nd of Medija on the a’Tori calendar
Melithannia Farm, outside of Manda
Current Residence
Bladeshouse in Nuna, with Zeth Vrago
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark Brown
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Kalati, Halfling, Draconic.
Callys' Private Page

Vision of Gods

Spiral; healing Crossed swords; fighting Leaf; wilderness Small Hut; home and farm; fleshy harvested spelt Arcane Glow; powerful spellcasting   Behind in a semicircle, eight figures: Beaver holding staff wrapped in silver; crossed swords Arch with fruit acorns hanging; small hut Half-red, half-blakc squireel; leaf and arcane glow Pendulum with a weight made of huge serrated teeth; arcane glow Heron on eon leg; arcane glow Leaves spinning in whirlpool; crossed swords; leaf Column of rain that glitters like stars; hut Red hawk with golden eyes that is a little closer to me; spiral   Octet of voices: Daughter what will you serve


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