The True Realms

The True Realms

  The True Realms exist beyond The Outer Planes.   True Realms form along a particular truth-axis, which can be envisioned as spikes emerging from The Outer Planes. As a deity on their own, or as part of a formal pantheon, gains the power to break free of The Outer Planes, a new truth-axis is formed to house them. Here, they dwell in a realm that is distinctly true for those beings.   This event is nearly always cataclysmic in nature, although its effects may echo into Alemi in manifestations ranging from subtle to world-breaking.   As an example, the sacred realms of Siriati occupy their own True Realm, accessible via a unique truth-axis.   Should, say, the Norse Pantheon, break free of The Outer Planes, a True Realm would form, containing all of Asgard and the other nine realms.   True Realms are not eternal: a loss of influence in Alemi may mean that a deity or set of deities are pulled from a True Realm and back into The Outer Planes and the Khaz.   There is disagreement about what the situation is in Hotria, but whether the proliferation of faiths in that nation is due to deities entering or leaving the True Realms, it is an example of the change that is possible.
Dimensional plane


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