zed ophiuchus

zed ophiuchus

flirty silver dragonborn druid belonging to the circle of stars *-* loves astrology, stargazing, and mountaineering. very into treasure and other sparkly things

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chaotic good
Date of Birth
14th of The Haze 1369
dark blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
silvery scales
195 lbs

HDYWITE astrology

(Solan House / Lunan House / Phoban House) SOLAN HOUSE: dominant personality traits, core tendencies, instincts -- parent ("Child of X")* LUNAN HOUSE: potential, areas of strength/possibility PHOBAN HOUSE: underlying challenges   CAL (Staff / Hood / Anvil)
  • The sun in The Staff indicates a restless, yet dependable soul.
  • Lunas in The Hood indicates the potential to change the world through death--either its presence or absence.
  • Phobas in The Anvil indicates the dangers of anger, and of burning through one's potential too quickly.
  • IDRIS (Staff / Hood / Lamb)
  • The sun in The Staff indicates a restless, yet dependable soul.
  • Lunas in The Hood indicates the potential to change the world through death--either its presence or absence.
  • Phobas in The Lamb indicates the dangers of too easily falling into the role of the victim.
  • JANIS (Huntress / Citadel (Dragon cusp) / Hood)
  • The sun in The Huntress indicates passion and intensity.
  • Lunas in The Citadel indicates the potential to change the world through defensive and protective actions.
  • -Lunas in The Dragon indicates the potential to change the world through the development of a highly specific skill or power.
  • Phobas in The Hood indicates the dangers of continuing to pour effort into futile pursuits.
  • THAAHKK (Hood / Staff / Citadel (Harp cusp))
  • The sun in The Hood indicates an ability to undergo great change or transformation and emerge for the better.
  • Lunas in The Staff indicates the potential an impact that stretches across and beyond the known world.
  • Phobas in The Citadel indicates the dangers of being unwilling to give up deeply held resentments.
  • -Phobas in The Harp indicates the risk of being, becoming, or growing too physically weak to complete a given task.   XIDRU (Lamb / Gnoll / Hood)
  • The sun in The Lamb indicates a the self-reliance of a free spirit.
  • Lunas in The Gnoll indicates the potential to change the world through sheer force of personality.
  • Phobas in The Hood indicates the dangers of continuing to pour effort into futile pursuits.
  • ZED (Anvil / Lamb (Thresher cusp) / Gnoll)
  • The sun in The Anvil indicates loyalty, mental fortitude, and the danger of being quick to anger.
  • Lunas in The Lamb indicates the potential of great courage in the face of overwhelming odds.
  • -Lunas in The Thresher indicates the potential to change the world through persistent dedication to a single goal.
  • Phobas in The Gnoll indicates a tendency to over-confidence and impulsiveness: the insistence it will all work out fine, even in the face of certain knowledge otherwise.