Lolth Character in Alendia | World Anvil


Queen of Spiders (a.k.a. The Dark Mother)

Lolth was one of the most powerful, influential matriarchs of the Drow. She was the highest aristocrat of House Duri from 13128 b. BF. till 12013 b. BF. She created and introduced the precept of duality: Darkness or War. Her constant efforts in the war against the Elves made her a folk hero. Eventually, after her death around 12000 b. BF., she was officially raised to a lesser deity and goddess of Spiders. She goes as the antagonist of The Mother and therefore has the name "The Dark Mother".  


Lolth is a rather large Drow, about 1.72m (5'8'') with classical dark grey skin and long white straight hair. Often, Lolth is depicted as a hybrid of spider and drow, the lower part being the body of a giant black spider where instead of a spider's head, the upper body of Lolth raises. It is said that Lolth was able to adapt this spider form, approximately doubling her size.  


Lolth had the ability to partially shapeshift. She was able to transform her lower body into the body of a giant black spider. She was trained in the usual martial arts of the drow and was also able to fight in her spider form. Lolth was once of the greatest wielder of magic of her time and she was believed to be immune to the corruption of the chaos.  


Lolth was born around 13200 b. BF. and was the daughter of a noble of House Duri. She rose to a matriarch herself very early and showed big interest and effort in the war against the Elves. Lolth was known to have a certain affection towards spiders. In 13128 b. BF., she became the highest aristocrat of House Duri and all Drow by assassinating her predecessor with spider poison. Despite her high status, Lolth aimed to rise further and actively joined the war against the Elves intending to murder The Mother and take over the Pale Tree. Her commitment to war multiplied her influence by a lot and soon Lolth controlled as many functionaries and had as many followers as all other nobles of all houses combined. Nobles from other houses often voluntarily integrated into the bloodlines of House Duri to avoid being targeted by Lolth's schemes.
Around 13000 b. BF., Lolth created the order and precept of Darkness or War. That way, Lolth was able to restructure the society of the drow and solve the issue of overpopulation once again. She also supported the hunt and taming of monsters in the Underdark, especially spiders. It is said that around 12900 b. BF., Lolth eventually gained the ability to shapeshift into a spider hybrid and became one of the most feared enemies on the battlefield of all time.
In her last years, Lolth spent most time in the Underdark and the north of Durarin. Despite her old age and the dwindling of her strength many of her followers stayed true to her. After she died in 12013 b. BF., the drow wanted to name a new noble house after her, but especially aristocrats who missed out on influence and power because of Lolth, arranged a deal to instead raise Lolth to a lesser deity, The Goddess of Spiders. The nobles did not expect the cult around Lolth to grow so rapidly, yet she eventually became a common religion for all drow.

Character Portrait image: Lolth