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Dagoth the Wrathborn

Archmagus Dagoth Cathas

It is said that Dagoth was born within the lands of Avalos, having been raised around it's people to become a feared agent of power known for his ability to manipulate and control. This is rumored to have led to his exile to the wastes beyond the lands of Erephem by the nobles of Avalos for his corruption of the court.   However, it was in Erephem that he learned of yet another power through his study of the Nylbani people. He learned of their fabled forges that brought life to iron and stone. It was with this power that he created the first of the Forgeborn. A race of automaton soldiers built for one purpose, destruction.   Under the ruse of being an ally, Dagoth constructed any army of these Forgeborn soldiers for the Nylbani. Once his influence was strong enough and forces numerous, he coerced the Nylbani into spreading their control over all of Erephem using their new found power. Then just as easily, he led them to Avalos.   Legend tells us the might of the Forgeborn armies that laid waste to the forces of Avalos. Their armies dispersed and forced into hiding. In less than a years time, they had siezed the capital, and Dagoth himself took the throne. He had returned, and his malevolent reign over Avalos had begun. As for the Nylbani and the other peoples of Erephem, their fate was sealed in fear for the years to come.


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