Idhla Somenshein Character in Alhambarain | World Anvil

Idhla Somenshein

Idhla Somenshein was a revolutionary who rebelled against the invading humans. She was born on Makela in the year 45 BUC and was assassinated in the year 13 BUC.   Born and raised on the desolate planet of Makela, she was forced to endure the harsh reality of Makela from a young age. From frequent sandstorms to Imeian Raiders, she had to endure the planet's myriad of dangers. Her father, a well-respected warrior and farmer taught her to defend herself against many of these perils. He was murdered by the human invasion when she was 8 in the year 37 BUC.   Often called a war criminal, Idhla's reputation differs heavily depending on who you ask.  

Early Life and Background


About 100 years before she was born, her family settled in the small town of Mein. They were forced to migrate due to the Imeian Raiders, who pillaged and destroyed their city, Atab.   Mein was a small farming town cut off from the rest of Makela, as it was isolated in the Mos Oasis in the Western Desert.   Not much was known about the Western Desert, as it suffered from natural disasters much more than other regions on Makela.    


  As a child, she had to endure many hardships. Imeian Raiders constantly tried pillaging her town, and sandstorms would kill their crops. At the age of 5, humans declared war and began invading. They only reached Mein on accident 3 years after the war began on a scouting mission to find the desert's resources. They murdered her father and siblings, burned her village, and left it in ruins. The only ones in her family to survive were her mother and older sister. The humans used the ruined town as a scouting camp and then a base of operations in the region.   She and her family were forced to trek the dangerous desert until they found a place to stay. About two weeks into this journey, they found the town of Som.   

Rebellion Against the Federation of Mars

  About 8 years after Idhla's family found Som, humans began harassing the city. Eventually, they tried invading it. After hearing the news, Idhla gathered the warriors of Som and began preparing. They used spears, arrows, blasters, and hand grenades.  

Battle of Som

  The battle began on the 5th of Meian, 37 BUC. and ended on the 10th. Idhla ordered archers to stay upon the city walls to shoot at the humans and guard the artillery, and she took control of the ground forces of the assault. She used the cover of the sandstorms to go into the Federation's camp only half a Kilometer from the city and murder humans in silence, steal their equipment and destroy their stolen Makelan Groundwater Extractor. On the 5th and 6th of Meian, about 326 humans died due to murder and thirst.   On the 7th and 8th, Idhla rallied her forces to launch a coordinated assault on the human camp. She strategically established a network of small, interconnected outposts surrounding the enemy, ensuring stable supply lines and seamless communication among her troops.   Having lost their water source and most of their equipment, the humans could not resist and were wiped out, On the 10th of Meian, Idhla had her first victory against the Federation of Mars at 16.    


  In the year 13 BUC, after completely pushing the humans out of Makela by using gas bombs and tactics considered illegal by the Federation of Mars and areas influenced by it, she was deemed a war criminal by them. 2 months after losing the war, CISICA organized an assassination. They sent 5 assassins to murder her during a parade. While she was riding her Sahrog in the parade, the assassins shot 29 arrows at her, murdering her.


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