
Indara is a mostly flat, tropical planet in the Yengal System. It is renowned for its breathtaking natural beauty and abundant biodiversity, the planet's surface is covered by large rainforests and pristine beaches bordering turquoise oceans. It is also home to the Indarans, a highly adaptive amphibious species.  


  Indarans are the native, very diverse inhabitants of Indara.  

Physical Characteristics


Body Structure

Whale-Like Tail

  Indarans have a whale-like tail that provides them with excellent propulsion in the water, allowing them to swim at remarkable speeds. This powerful tail, which descends from their lower back, is a vital adaptation for their aquatic environment. It is muscular and flexible, enabling them to make sharp turns and rapid movements underwater. The tail's smooth, hydrodynamic skin reduces resistance, allowing them to glide effortlessly through the water. Additionally, their tail assists with balance and stability when on land, making it a versatile and essential part of their anatomy.  


  The legs of the Indarans are slightly shorter than those of the average species but are strong and well-defined. These robust limbs are adapted for their environment, allowing them to navigate the diverse terrains of Indara with ease. Despite their shorter length, the muscular build of their legs provides them with exceptional strength and stability, making them adept at both swift movement and long endurance activities. This physical characteristic not only aids in their daily survival but also complements their cultural practices, such as their proficiency in swimming and exploring their varied landscape.  

Hands and Feet


The Indarans possess uniquely adaptable hands that can function both as paws and more dexterous appendages. Their fingers are slightly webbed, providing an advantage in swimming, while also retaining the ability to grasp and manipulate objects with precision.  


  Indarans have versatile feet similar to their hands. They can function as paws for stability, or feet that aenhance their swimming abilities.  

Respiratory System


  Indarans have blowholes on the tops of their heads, similar to those of whales, which allow them to breathe while submerged or on land. This adaptation negates the need for gills, making them highly versatile in both environments.  


  Indara is a tropical planet that is mostly flat with many mountains and hills, with diverse ecosystems and lush vegatation.  

Temperature Range

  Indara's temperature range is from 12° to 29°. In colder seasons, it can get as low as 6°.  

Moon and Orbiting Objects

  Indara is orbited by one moon, Crmisonis. Known for its dense, red forests, it became a destination for explorers and researchers from all over Alhambarain. Crmisonis appears as a striking red orb in the sky, with its water being visible to the naked eye. Crimsonis is inhabited by the Crimsonians, an intelligent species with smooth red skin. When Crimsonians come of age, they get tattoed with bioluminiscent red ink. These tattoos are very important in Crimsonian culture, as they tell about the wearers tribe, rank, and occupation.   Indara is orbited by many large, mineral-rich asteroids. Asteroid mining has made many of Indara's nations very rich, leading to great technological andvancement. Some large asteroids were sold to Atashian Diaspora seeking refuge from the Oqor Syndicate. These asteroids were excavated and turned into refugee camps.  


  Indara is about 342,000 years old. Over that time, Indara's tropical climate helped create unique and diverse ecosystems. Early civilizations and cultures flourished on this tropical world, leaving behind captivating ruins and artefacts that hint about their advanced knowledge, understanding of their enviroment, and intricate societies.   Ancient Indarans made great advancements in agriculture, using the fertile land to plant a large plethora of crops. They developed sophisticated irrigation systems which made their socities flourish. These early cultures left behind remarkable art and architecture, showing their deep connection to their enviroment.  


Early Cultures

  The earliest Indaran cultures originated around the Great Ilnad Lake 250,000 years ago, on the largest landmass on Indara. These early cultures created housings made of wood and stone directly at shore, which allowed them to go to any destinations quikly from their houses.  

Leaving the Great Ilnad Lakes

  139,000 years ago, Indaran explorers left the Ilnad Lakes with their families and tribes in search of better lives. Their ability to swim across large bodies of water with out getting tired allowed them to quickly reach other landmasses. 100 years after leaving the Ilnad Lakes, they reached total global domination. Their cities grew into bustling metropolises, crime syndicates began to rise, and new nations were forged.
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