Indaran Relief Society

The Indaran Relief Society (IRS) is a charitable organization founded by a group of Indaran travelers who witnessed the Pillage of Atash. Moved by the devastation and suffering they encountered, they resolved to dedicate their efforts to aiding those in need across Indara and beyond.   Some of their most known achievemwnts are building the transit tubes in Ashteia and heavily assisting in its creation, rebuilding Atash, and conflict mediation and peacebuilding.  

Rebuilding Atash

  After the Pillage of Atash, the IRS conducted extensive rebuilding efforts. They rebuilt homes, schools, hospitals, monuments and temples, and more all in traditional Atashian architecture. The reconstruction restored the heritage of the city and allowed for a community to settle.  

Community Involvement

  The IRS made sure the Atashian community was invloved in rebuilding the city. Workshops and training programs ensured the local community was equipped with the skills needed to participate in the reconstruction, fostering a sense of ownership and pride.   During the rebuilding process, Atashian architects and engineers were part of the project management to ensure everything was made in the Atashian way.  

Peacekeeping Forces

  The Indaran Relief Society raised an army of peacekeepers dedicated to maintaining stability and protecting civilians. These peacekeepers are unique in that they only engage in defensive actions, ensuring the safety and security of those in conflict zones. In some situations, they even act as neutral interveners, working to de-escalate tensions and prevent further violence by standing between conflicting sides.  

Community Relations

  The IRS Peacekeeping Forces build strong relationships with local communities, gaining their trust and cooperation. They listen to the needs and concerns of the people, ensuring that their actions are in the best interest of those they aim to protect.


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