Malash Civil War Military Conflict in Alhambarain | World Anvil

Malash Civil War

The Malash Civil War was a civil war in Maosel's 3rd largest nation, Malash. It was between the Malashians and the Somalons, and had about 4.6 million casualties including civilians. The war occurred during the beginning of the Gale Season, a seasonal weather anomaly that creates stronger winds and much more rain. It began when Somalan migrants tried to forcefully create a town for them near the Malashian city of Lahsma.  

The Lahsma Standoff

  The Lahsma Standoff was the first battle and starting point of the Malash Civil War. When the Somalons first got to Lahsma, they demanded from the rulers of the area for a town to call their own. The Malashians refused and reported the incident to the Royal Government, which sent reinforcements to Lahsma. After hearing the news of reinforcements, a group of Somalon warriors scaled the walls and began battling the Malashian soldiers, the rest of the Somalons followed. When the reinforcements arrived two days later, they saw a large-scale battle between both sides. Having surrounded the Somalons, both sides pushed the enemy line, and ended up crushing the Somalon forces. Both sides had about 200K casualties.  

Lahsma Skirmishes

  After the Lahsma Standoff, skirmishes around Lahsma became much more frequent.  

Battle of the Lohmas River

  The Battle of Lohmas River took place at the Lohmas River, a river not too far from Lahsma. The Somalons built a small outpost surrounded by camps on one side of the river. Eventually, Malashian scouts found the outpost and reported to the Malshian general, Molin Enir. Three days later, Molin was on the other side of the river with a 600,000-man army. The Somolans, on the other side, had about 650,000 men in their forces. Molin ordered his men to build a wooden river to cross, however, they wouldn't use it. The bridge was built as a decoy, which would distract the Somalons from Molin's army crossing the river on small boats and swimming. The Malashian army was ordered to split in half to surround the outpost. They dug tunnels to get under the Somolans, and instead of scaling the walls or using artillery, Molin ordered them to burn the walls. When the Malashians entered, they completely decimated the Somalon army and looted the outpost and the camps. After the battle, Molin ordered his armies to burn the outpost and the camps.


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