
Malkans are spirits in many Astrovagant cultures (Astrovagant is the widespread term for "Space-Nomadic") which are believed to haunt people who stray away from the tribe. These spirits are said to appear as shadows on the cockpit windows and inside ships straying too far from the rest of the tribe.   


  Most tribes and cultures have different origins, however, the most popular tale is that the Malkans are the souls of people who were murdered wronged and people who died under oppression, and that they are trying to get their revenge on their oppressors.   A less known origin story is that the god Maklon created the Malkans to keep the tribes together and keep them safe. According to this widely accepted legend, Maklon saw the dangers that space nomads faced and bestowed the Malkans as protectors and guides, ensuring that the tribes would remain united and safe from harm. This legend is often condemned by most tribes.  


  Malkans appear as shadowy figures in windows or inside ships. They are often seen standing near the door to the cockpit, slowly moving forward towards the pilot. They can be seen anywhere inside or outside the ship, ften appearing in unexpected places such as the corners of a cargo hold, the reflection in a window, or drifting silently in the vastness of space.  


  Many tribes conduct rituals to appease the Malkans, often offering sacred items and special ceremonies during launching and landing. These practices try to appease the Malkans and make them stop haunting their tribe or an individual member of the tribe.  


  Because of Malkans and their threat, Tribal Shamans often have a higher role in Astrovagant societies. They participate in decision making, and in some extreme tribal governments lead teams to crack down on dissenters.


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