Pact of Solaris Aversion Document in Alhambarain | World Anvil

Pact of Solaris Aversion

The Pact of Solaris Aversion was a treaty signed on the first of O'qoq, 1 BUC. It was signed by most major nations and civilizations in the Deus Solaris System.   Following many major conflicts and misunderstandings between humans and the peoples of Deus Solaris, the Nimran Empire addressed the issue, and proposed the Pact of Solaris Disdain. The pact's purpose was to establish a unified stance against human expansion and colonization. One of its articles declares all humans as enemies, and every human ship, fleet, or person that enters the Deus Solaris System will be shot down.  


  The pact's purpose is to create a unified stance against human expansion, colonization, and influence in the Deus Solaris System. It stemmed from historical grievances, ecological worries, and perceived threats to indigenous cultures.  

Key Points


Declaration of Humans as Threats

  The treaty declared all humans as immediate threats, and that any human ship, fleet, or person that enters the Deus Solaris System will be instantly shot down. This, alongside the other terms of the treaty, caused outrage in human communities.  

Trade Relations with Humans or Human-Dominated Planets

  Trading relations with humans or any human-dominated planet were severely restricted or outright prohibited. This caused many human-dominated planets to start crumbling due to much less trade, with other planets being forced to watch.  

Starting Alliances, Organizations, and Groups

  Military alliances, organizations, and groups were started to protect Deus Solaris, and the surrounding non-human regions, and to spread chaos within human-dominated planets and states.  

Attacks on Humans

  The groups and organizations founded have varying ideologies and methods of operations. Some groups were founded to attack humans through Cyber-attacks, sabotaging cities, guerilla warfare, and propaganda.  


  The Pact of Solaris Aversion successfully isolated Deus Solaris and the neighbouring regions from human networks. This boosted technology as nations and coalitions sought to protect themselves more from humans and to seek new trading routes. However, skirmishes between humans and Deus Solaris fighters began happening much more frequently.   Nations and civilizations that did not enforce these terms or sign the treaty were met with heavy sanctions and military action, as they were considered sympathetic to humans.


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