Pendant of Thorsek

Pendants of Thorsek are professionally crafted pendants on Makela. These holy pendants are forged with a gem only found in the deepest of caves, known as Eye of Thorsek. Eyes of Thorsek are living, sentient gems with one eye that watch over the bearers and protect them. These stones are said to have been created by Thorsek to watch over the land and represent him.   The pendants have a rich history and an important role in Makelan folklore, being used in rituals and ceremonies, representing Thorsek's blessing and protection.  


  Pendants of Thorsek have been subject of debate and controversy since the Eyes of Thorsek were discovered. Many believe that Thorsek was an evil being that declared himself an enemy of the gods and of the people, while others view him as the saviour of the people, declaring himself an enemy of the gods and their oppression of the Makelans. These differences stem from a difference in the retelling of folklore and mythology.  


  Pendants of Thorsek are only crafted with the finest of metals found on Makela. The pendant itself is forged from Othresi, a rare metal found exclusively in the deepest caverns, earning it the nickname "Metal of the Underworld.    The pendants are only crafted by the greatest artisans in the land, for if it is not perfect than the artisan is executed and it is viewed as an insult to Thorsek. Artisans must practice day and night for months or even years to br able to create on of the holy pendants.  


  Pendants of Thorsek are believed to protect the wearer, being a represintitave of Thorsek on Makela. They are given to newborns to keep them safe, and are always kept on them, even in the grave. The gems symbolize the protection of Thorsek from birth to death.


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