Stellar Gas Flare Physical / Metaphysical Law in Alhambarain | World Anvil

Stellar Gas Flare

Stellar Gas Flares are natural disasters that are very dangerous for entire systems. It occurs when a star undergoes a massive and sudden eruption, releasing enormous amounts of toxic gases into space. These toxic gases, mainly composed of hazardous and suffocating elements, travel rapidly and impact any nearby planets, causing severe environmental and health crises.  


  The flare is triggered by intense magnetic activity on the star’s surface, causing a buildup of energy that is suddenly released, propelling vast quantities of toxic gas outward.  


  Stellar Gas Flares have many negative effects. They generally wear off after a few days to a few weeks.  

Chemical Poisoning

  The gas contains harmful chemicals that can cause immediate poisoning. Symptoms include nausea, dizziness, and severe respiratory distress. Prolonged exposure leads to organ failure and death.  

Enviromental Contamination

  Water sources and soil become contaminated with toxic chemicals, rendering them unsafe for consumption and agriculture. This leads to food and water shortages, exacerbating the crisis.  

How to Avoid

  Avoiding Gas Flares is impossible, as there are barely any visible signs. However, it is possible to stay safe from one. People must wear specially crafted gas masks and head to bunkers.  


    Specialized bunkers with air filtration systems are constructed to provide safe havens during the flare. These bunkers are stocked with food, water, and medical supplies.  

Gas Masks

  Inhabitants are equipped with gas masks and protective clothing to shield themselves from the toxic atmosphere. The main producer of these special gas masks is the Rose-Acestor Co.  

Myths and Native Lore

  On many planets that experience frequent Gas Flares, ancient lore and myths made by the locals have been found. On the planet Basmos, some ancient civilizations, cultures, and tribes thought that the Gas Flares were caused by the gods in anger.


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