Umrenan E'Seqrur

Umrenan E'Seqrur was an ancient traveller, scientist, and inventor. He lived about 249 thousand years ago. He discovered the secret for long life, and lived for a thousand years, passing on the secret to one of his children which he picks to be his successor. This tradition is apparent in his descendants to this day.

Early Life

  Umrenan spent his early years in a semi-nomadic community comprising approximately 38 individuals. This nomadic lifestyle ignited his desire to explore, discover, and innovate. Demonstrating signs of genius from a tender age, he repaired and devised numerous methods for travel and settlement, aiding his family. At twelve, he encountered Mernis, a figure renowned for wisdom. Mernis imparted his knowledge to Umrenan, who would then either reject, refine, or embrace these teachings.

First Journey

  His first journey started when he was considered old enough at 14 to leave alone. He went to the faraway town of Meimur on his Zaruk and documented many things on the way. He also was the first to document many plant and animal species. He even discovered some species.


  When he reached Meimur, he documented the city and described it in his journal as a city where nomads and merchants go to rest and trade.
  "As I neared the formidable walls of Meimur, the guards’ scrutinizing gaze met mine from their lofty perches. The gates, ancient and high, creaked open to reveal the city’s vibrant heart. A symphony of sounds greeted me—the merchants’ calls, the clatter of hooves, and the rustle of silk. Meimur’s fame as a pivotal node on the trade routes was evident in the diversity of its commerce, with herds of cattle ambling alongside carts heavy with fabric. The attire of the locals was the traditional Nimran garb, practical, and good-looking. In stark contrast, the nobility draped themselves in cloaks of dark blue and purple, the colours of the night sky and land, signalling their elevated status. As I wandered the streets, the sun’s embrace was fiercer here, an unrelenting force that seemed to energize the city’s very pulse." He wandered the streets of Meimur for 5 days, then left to wander the vast lands of E'Nernir. He stumbled across many villages and towns, documenting their cultures and spreading them to the larger cities and nations.

Kingdom of E'Nemar

  Eventually, he entered lands controlled by the Kingdom of E'Nemar. He documented many small cities and towns, he also traded with the smaller towns. When King Nomrus IV of E'Nemar knew of his presence in his lands, he demanded that he visit his royal court. When Umrenan reached the court, Nomrus asked him about what he found. He shared what he discovered about the small towns and cities, fascinating the royal court. King Nomrus IV asked Umrenan to stay at the royal court in exchange for money, however, Umrenan refused, and angrily left the court. As he stated in his journal:
  “He expected me to abandon my seek for knowledge, to chain my thirst for discovery to the whims of a court bloated with opulence but starved of wisdom. I could not help but scoff at the irony – a king who rules over vast lands yet understands so little of the world beyond his gilded cage. So, I left Nomrus’ court, unimpressed by its shallow pageantry and the king’s narrow vision. A throne may command obedience, but it cannot command wisdom, nor can it tether a spirit born to roam free.”

Return to E'Seqruriya

  Umrenan eventually decided to return to his hometown of E'Seqruriya. E'Seqruriya was a major coastal city founded 5070 thousand years before his time by his ancestors of the Seqrur clan. When he returned, he saw his family and distant relatives. He stayed for two weeks before leaving on an expedition with his cousins which would forever alter the course of Nimran.

Expedition of the Rimnan

  The Expedition of Rimnan is noted as a significant event in the life of Umrenan E'Seqrur. The expedition’s primary objective was the documentation of the Rimnan Mountains, a natural fortress that has shielded the region of E’Seqruriya for millennia. Preparations for the expedition commenced abruptly, a mere three days prior to departure. Initially intended as a solitary venture, Umrenan was joined by his cousins, who insisted on participating. The party departed on distinctive white Zaruks, a breed of mount exclusive to the Seqrur clan, symbolizing power and prestige. The journey to the Rimnan Mountains spanned three days, culminating in their arrival at Rimnan Valley. Upon establishing a base camp for rest, Umrenan and a cousin embarked on an exploratory trek the following morning. This led to the discovery of a cave containing Nimra, a dark purple spice of significant historical importance. The discovery of Nimra marked a pivotal moment in Nimran history, influencing subsequent cultural and economic developments. When Umrenan discovered Nimra, he wrote this about it in his journal:
  "The cave was dark and damp, but we could see a faint purple glimmer in the distance. We followed the light, curious and cautious, until we reached a large chamber filled with thick, thorny vines. They covered the walls and ceiling, and hung down like curtains. Among the vines, we saw purple spheres, glowing softly. They looked like ripe fruits, ready to be picked. I reached out and touched one of the vines. It felt warm and alive, and I could feel it pulsing under my fingers. It was like touching a vein, or a heart. I felt a sudden urge to taste one of the spheres. I plucked one from the vine and bit into it. It was juicy and delicious, with a complex flavour that was sweet, bitter, spicy, and cooling at the same time. It filled my mouth with a pleasant tingling sensation, and I felt a rush of energy and euphoria.
  We decided to collect more of the spheres. We froze them, and then we ground them into a fine powder. The powder had the same colour and smell as the spheres, and it retained their flavour and effects. We tried heating the powder, and it turned into a purple liquid that was thick and sticky. We froze the liquid again, and ground it again, and it was still the same. It seemed that Nimra, as we decided to call it, was a versatile and stable substance.
  We also took some of the vines, hoping to grow them in our gardens and farms. We wondered if they would thrive in a different environment, or if they needed the darkness and moisture of the cave. We wondered what secrets Nimra held, and what it could do for us. We wondered if we had discovered a miracle, or a curse."
  Nimra quickly became traded all over E'Nernir and became embedded in Nimran culture.

Invention of Space Travel

  Umrenan, at the tender age of sixteen, found himself in a spirited debate with a major monk of Nimran Polytheism. With the conviction of a born seeker, he argued that the celestial bodies revered by the faithful were not gods but rather planets and stars, each with their own secrets waiting to be unraveled by the curious and the brave. ‘These lights in the sky are not to be worshipped from afar,’ he proclaimed, ‘but to be understood, to be reached, to be explored.’ This bold assertion challenged the very foundations of Nimran Polytheism, setting him on a path that would lead to the invention of space travel. Only 2 years later, he made the first Nimran space ship. This completely refuted Nimran Polytheism and was a reason for its downfall. Umrenan on an expedition to Mino-Achaea and was the first Nimran to colonize it.


  Umrenan E'Seqrur first believed in Aniconism, a monothiestic religon that was created by his ancestor, Aniconiumism, a monothiestic religion that believed there a was a supreme god that controlled the universe. He was an avid believer of Aniconiumism and debated many prominent figures in Nimra Polytheism.


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