Vory v Zakone

Irina Derevko took jobs from the Russian Mafia after the fall of the Iron Curtain. This allowed her to make connections within the criminal underworld, and begins her rise to power as "The Man".   Links:   Simple history of the Voya, annoying ads


Russian or Soviet Prison Tattoos


The Vorovskoy Zakon or Thieves' code:   A thief is bound by the Code to:
  1. Forsake his relatives--mother, father, brothers, sisters...
  2. Not have a family of his own -- no wife, no children; this does not however, preclude him from having a lover.
  3. Never, under any circumstances work, no matter how much difficulty this brings-, live only on means gleaned from thievery.
  4. Help other thieves -- both by moral and material support, utilizing the commune of thieves.
  5. Keep secret information about the whereabouts of accomplices (i.e. dens, districts, hideouts, safe apartments, etc.).
  6. In unavoidable situations (if a thief is under investigation) to take the blame for someone else's crime; this buys the other person time of freedom.
  7. Demand a convocation of inquiry for the purpose of resolving disputes in the event of a conflict between oneself and other thieves, or between thieves.
  8. If necessary, participate in such inquiries.
  9. Carry out the punishment of the offending thief as decided by the convocation.
  10. Not resist carrying out the decision of punishing the offending thief who is found guilty, with punishment determined by the convocation.
  11. Have good command of the thieves'jargon ("Fehnay").
  12. Not gamble without being able to cover losses.
  13. Teach the trade to young beginners.
  14. Have, if possible, informants from the rank and file of thieves.
  15. Not lose your reasoning ability when using alcohol.
  16. Have nothing to do with the authorities (particularly with the ITU [Correctional Labor Authority]), not participate in public activities, nor join any community organizations.
  17. Not take weapons from the hands of authorities; not serve in the military.
  18. Make good on promises given to other thieves.

Theives within the Law

Illicit, Cartel
Alternative Names
Russian Mafia