
  • 2023

    Beginning of Weyland Industries
    Scientific achievement

    Peter Weyland unveils the David series of Android. Weyland Industries begins work on atmospheric processors for terraforming other worlds, FTL drives, and hypersleep pods.

  • 2031

    FTL Becomes Reality
    Scientific achievement

    Terraforming operations begin on Earth's moon, Luna. As faster than light speed travel becomes a reality, the Weyland Corporation launches the first FTL vessel, the Heliades.

  • 2039

    First Atmosphere Processors
    Scientific achievement

    The UK and Japan pioneer the establishment of settlements on Mars and Titan. Weyland Industries successfully creates a breathable atmosphere on extrasolar planet GJ667CC, opening a pandora's box of possibilities for Humanity to seed the stars. The Outer Veil, an area of space hypothesized to be rich in minerals and other resources, is discovered. The trailing edge of the Outer Veil is where the Frontier begins.

  • 2042

    Off-World Colonies
    Scientific achievement

    HD85512 B, Earth's first off-world penal colony, is established by the Weyland Corporation. Prisoners from earthbound facilities are transferred there. Several other corporations begin to capitalize on the space age. Corporate-run mining colonies on the moons of Saturn and Jupiter become a reliable source of the raw materials necessary for FTL travel.

  • 2066

    USCM Created
    Military action

    Several small colonies begin to take hold in the Outer Rim territories, and the United States begins work on a peacekeeping force that will keep order off-world. This eventually leads to the formation of the United Americas Outer Rim Defense Fleet and later the Colonial Marine Corps. Weyland's David Series Seven androids become commonplace in the workforce.

  • 2091

    USCSS Prometheus

    Weyland Corp launches the infamous USCSS Prometheus on a mission to "find the origins of humanity." The ship is lost with all hands and presumed destroyed. With the death of both company founder Peter Weyland and CEO Meredith Vickers, the Weyland Corporation is left in financial ruin. By the turn of the century, the company is bought out and merged with the Yutani Corporation forming Weyland-Yutani.