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Xenomorph Worker

  • 6ft
  • 199lbs
Skin color
  • Black, black-grey, black-blue
  • Elongated cranium
  • Dorsal spines
The Drone, also commonly referred to as the Warrior, Soldier, Worker or Lurker, and designated a "Stage 4" Xenomorph, is the most common adult form of the species Xenomorph XX121. Between 7–8 feet in height and 14–16 feet long (including their tail), Drones are by far the most widespread caste of Xenomorph, acting as the species' principal offensive unit in combat situations. Among the roles carried out by Drones are the construction of Hives, the elimination of threats and the capture of potential hosts for reproduction.   As with many forms of the Xenomorph, the exact physical characteristics of the Drone can vary; most obviously, the exact makeup of the creature's head carapace has been seen to differ between individuals, with both smooth and ridged examples observed. Other minor differences have also been noted. Drones are fast and reasonably tough, and equally capable of carrying out premeditated stealth attacks as well as engaging in savage close-quarters combat. Even in death the Drone is dangerous, as its pressurized bloodstream will often cause it to burst apart if sufficiently damaged, drenching nearby enemies in acid blood. They are also capable of spitting cysts of this acid at their enemies.   Characteristics   Most Drones that have been encountered have been spawned from human hosts, and as such generally share their host's bipedal stature — although they are known to move equally well on all fours, particularly when climbing walls or ceilings or moving through enclosed spaces, tasks at which they are adept. They are extremely agile, capable of navigating through vents, up walls or across large areas swiftly and nimbly. They also have an astonishing leaping ability. After growing to its full adult height, the Drone typically dwarfs its host, standing at least 7 feet tall when born from a human. They are dark in color, typically black but often with shades of grey, blue or brown across their bodies. They are primarily encountered in offensive situations, being voracious predators possessing notable observational intellect and incredible strength, easily capable of restraining or subduing a physically adept human, lifting a person into the air with little effort, or even breaking down metal pressure doors when in groups. In fact, their physical strength is even rival to that of an adult Yautja. As well as their offensive role, Drones are said to fulfil a worker role within the Hive, building and tending to the nest.   The Drone's most distinguishing features are its cylindrical, elongated skull, often more pronounced than on other Xenomorph types. They also possess long, prehensile tails that can be used as a formidable weapon in and of themselves, be it as a blunt flail capable of hurling an average human through the air or as a stabbing weapon able to impale and even suspend a Yautja with little effort. The Drone's ability to spit acid some distance additionally gives it an ability to attack at a degree rage. When a Drone is killed by weapons that cause massive physical trauma, its highly pressurized bloodstream often causes the creature to explode, showering the surrounding area with molecular acid. This has been seen to cause severe injury and even death to humans caught in such a blast. A similar effect has been seen when a Drone is set aflame, typically through the use of military-issue flamethrowers; the intense heat from prolonged burning can cause the creature to violently explode, which is most likely due to its already high-pressure circulatory system boiling within its body.   Physical variation    Physical variation between individuals has been noted with many castes of Xenomorph (most notably Queens), but the trait is perhaps most obvious with the Drone. Aside from the obvious variation between smooth and ridged with regards to the Drone's head carapace, other physical variations have been observed. Examples have been seen with a varying number of digits on their hands. Their segmented tails have been seen to end in both a stinger-like barb and a blade-like tip that can be used to propel the creature swiftly through water. Some Drones have also been seen to possess blade-like protrusions at the elbows.   The exact cause of this variation — or whether it serves any specific purpose — is unclear. It has been noted that the differences are not necessarily "hereditary" with regards to a single lineage of Eggs. Factors such as ageing have been proposed as the cause of the differences, but evidence supporting this is far from conclusive.   Intelligence   During the course of limited research into the species, it is theorized that the Drone is at least as smart as a dog, and probably more so than a chimpanzee. Drones have been seen to substantially modify their combat tactics dependent on their situation. For example, they have been known to employ ambush strikes and stealth as well as open, full-frontal assaults; the use of one over the other may simply depend on the strength in numbers available to them, as the latter has typically been seen only when dealing with large swarms of Drones. During pitched combat, some Drones have been known to continue fighting, or at least attempt to do so, even after losing one or more limbs.   When operating stealthily, Drones have been known to be intelligent and patient, often seeking to blend in with their environment and waiting motionless for their prey to come within range before striking. Conversely, they have also been known to employ direct assaults and swarm attacks, using sheer weight of numbers to overwhelm defenses and subdue their prey. While this behavior often leads to high casualty rates against prepared opponents, it brings with it distinct psychological advantages with regards to enemy morale. It is not clear to what degree these more reckless swarm attacks represent a diminished intelligence in certain groups, an intelligent response to given situational factors, or the result of influence from a resident Queen. It seems highly likely that Drones do not require the leadership of a Queen to function at an intelligent level, but are overwhelmingly driven by the Queen's commands when one such organism is present. Essentially, a solitary Drone is capable of making independent decisions, but a group operating under the leadership of a Queen are bound by her higher commands.   It also seems that intelligence and mental capabilities can vary from one individual Drone to another. In some cases, certain individuals have seemingly possessed greater intelligence than their brethren and have even been seen to act as a "leader" amongst a group of Drones.   Evolution   Drones have an ability to evolve into other higher forms of Xenomorph, such as Xenomorph Praetorian s and, eventually, Xenomorph Queen . The conditions that may initiate these changes are not well understood, with situational, environmental and hierarchical factors being quoted in different sources. The exact mechanism by which these changes occur are uncertain.     Variants   Domed variant
  • The first of the two most commonly encountered forms of Drone are those with smooth, domed skulls.
Ridged variant
  • The second of the two most commonly encountered forms of Drone are those with ridged skulls. Although, there is no true "standard" Drone (due to the highly variable nature of Xenomorph physiology), examples with ridged skulls are almost certainly the most commonly encountered of all Drones.
Carved variant
  • While many Drones already possesses a ridged skull, a more rugged version, referred to as "Carved" is known to exist. It is thought that the additional, more substantial ridges may afford them additional resistance to damage.
Elite Guard
  • The Queen Mother's chosen protectors or "chosen few" were first encountered on a mission to recover the Queen Mother from the Xenomorph homeworld. Emerging from the five egg-like pods connected to the Queen Mother's central pod, a chosen protector was described as a "Queen-sized Drone" and possessed a pair of fang-tipped protrusions on each side of the head. Faster than the Xenomorphs encountered on Earth, the chosen protector was capable of tearing through the alloyed steel of a Power Loader.
  • The Xenomorph XX121B Biodrone was an artificially produced Xenomorph Drone created by the United Americas. They are physically indistinguishable from normal Drones, albeit with genetic modifications installed by the UA with the desire to turn the Xenomorph into a more convenient bioweapon - Biodrones are unable to evolve any further beyond their Stage IV 'Drone' form and have an expected lifespan of six days.

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