Rock Gnome

The rock gnomes are excellent tinkerers and inventers. They have developed a reputation in Aligar as the place to go for new technology. Rock gnomes often get caught up in the moment, they can have a really hard time taking a look at the big picture and planning ahead. Rock Gnomes are very smart and creative, this can sometimes make it difficult to work with rock gnomes because they try to look at problems from all angles except for the simplest. Their solutions to problems are often complex yet, strangely, genius.


The rock gnomes in Onira live with the dwarves in the White Summit Mountains. The dwarves took on the initial construction of underground cities hundreds of generations ago and the gnomes have recently enhanced those spaces with their technology and inventions. The gnomes and dwarves live side by side throughout the mountains.

Relationship with the Dwarves

The rock gnomes and dwarves have built an intricate web of corporations. They have a symbiotic relationship, the dwarves collect, mine, or otherwise harvest minerals and materials while the gnomes use those raw resources to create technology and build their inventions.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Ruby, Flourina, Maryble

Masculine names

Shale, Mica, and Pumpum
Encompassed species
Related Locations

Cover image: by Errin Casano


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