Grove Keepers

A DISPLACED PEOPLE IN YOUR WORLD   nicknamed:   Tucked away in the wooded gravesites of The Endless Garden is a haven for a small group of ill-fated people down on their luck who only need shelter and a pair of eyes to watch their back. This group is comprised of individuals from all over Brinegarde. Some are here avoiding their responsibilities, some are not fortunate enough to have any. Others are stowaways from far-off lands who come into the busy ports unnoticed. Still, others yet are dropouts from the nearby Wizwarry Academy of the Arcane, those who can not face their families after failing in their studies.    Society has failed these people and left them behind. They have only each other to count on and to look after. As such they have a strict code. They live in secret close to Amarus Iolanthe, the Necromancer who tends to the Gardens. Close enough to enjoy the city during the day as normal citizens, then retire to their home among the cairns and mausoleums tucked away in the forest. Different as they all may be, they adhere to a strict code to keep everyone safe, and their existence as a group secret. No violence among themselves. If they possess weapons, they are merely reminders of where they came from. No stealing. These people do not have much, some just the clothes on their backs and the blanket they sleep under. There is no room for individuals who aim to take advantage and steal what little they own and remove the last sense of safety from them. Additionally, there is an unspoken rule of no stealing from the graves. Many people of wealth are buried among the Endless Gardens. Some are buried in armor or jewels that could easily buy someone a plot of land in the countryside. But these Gardens have given the group a sanctuary and place to rebuild their lives, breaking into graves and stealing from the dead could mean all sorts of misfortune for them. No attention. Amarus, and passerby in the Gardens, must not know of the group's existence. They could be seen as a threat, forced to disband and leave the city, or forced to face their previous lives.


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