Disaster / Destruction
"In seven minutes the Queen of Lajraa razed the High City of the Orcs to the ground and from the ashes of their bodies rose the Colossus Gyrdr. Gyrdr was the weapon of Gallahax sent to annihilate the Orc race, long ago defeated but now re-birthed into the world through ash and death. His task was to be incomplete though for the Golden Queen was not willing to allow such a creature to wander her world and thus she struck it down and entrapped it's immortal soul in servitude." --- Royal Vizier to the Golden Queen
The Lich Arida went to the city of the High Orcs and brought down upon it an apocalyptic magic. Within seven minutes she had brought death to over a million souls. The extreme amount of magic mixed with the mass death revived a long dead creature, the colossus Gyrdr. Arida and her companions realizing the devastation the creature would bring to world if left unchecked sought it out and struck it down. All but Arida died during the battle.