

Animal Price Animal Price Animal Price
Pack Horse
275 c Hackney
Cart Horse
300 c Dray
Draft Horse
350 c
Rouncey 400 c Jennet 450 c Courser 500 c
Palfrey 550 c Destrier 600 c Donkey 220 c

Cats & Dogs

Animal Price Animal Price Animal Price
Common Moggies 4 c Common Mutts 25 c Forest Greatcats 100 c
Korinthosi Red 200 c Korinthosi Blue 200 c Brieftails 250 c
Sheepdogs 150 c Cattledogs 150 c Terriers 200 c
Greyhounds 250 c Deerhounds 300 c Drakehounds 350 c
Sled Dogs 135 c Molossus 750 c Wooly Molossus 750 c
  Note that availability of dogs and cats are not only a question of money. Bloodlines of these animals are highly prized and it's rare for a breeder to sell to just anyone with enough coin. This can be no truer of any dog than of the Molossus -- brought to Alkara and the Yulese outpost from a Kyprish territory in the Old Country. A price is listed on the very rare chance of such a dog (castrated, of course) coming onto the market somehow.   Other creatures are sometimes taken for pets -- songbirds and other parlour birds, monkeys, or other exotic animals. Parlour birds, when purchased from a fowler, can be expected to run in the range of 75 cop. When purchased from a trapper -- thus necessitating trapping and importation rather than just breeding -- they can be expected to cost somewhat more, depending on the rarity of the bird. Monkeys, also bought from trappers or traveling merchants, are more along the lines of 350 copper.


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