Wages and Professions

In any of Alkara's realms, a variety of people and professions are necessary to support the powers that be. Some professions aren't as common -- and some specialties can only be found in cities and large towns. You may not find, for instance, a weaponsmith in a village, or many innkeepers in Abydos. If you want to buy something or hire someone, you'll have to know where to look.

The wages listed are how much a person in a given occupation earns in a sennight. Divide by five for a daily wage, or multiply by 7 for a monthly sum, or by 52 for a yearly. If room and board is also part of a person's compensation, there is a superscript "+" next to the wage. A superscript "e" next to the wage indicates that person may receive part of their compensation as goods. (For example, in Semender, where a farmer pays crops to the local government in return for compensation, they may be allowed to keep a larger portion of the crops alongside their monetary compensation.)


The following wages are those of Semender's army, but they can be used as a guideline for equivalent ranks in other militaries.

Active Military

Occupation Wage Occupation Wage Occupation Wage
Lord/Lady General unpaid;
eq. 67 c+
Lieutenant Governor unpaid;
eq. 62 c+
Prince Marshal unpaid;
eq. 57 c+
Marshal unpaid;
eq. 52 c+
Colonel 47 c+ Captain 42 c+
Lieutenant 37 c+ Siege Engineer 35 c Cartographer 22 c+
Bannerman 18 c+ Drummer/Trumpeter 15 c+ Squire 7 c+
Heavy Cavalryman 32 c+ Medium Cavalryman 28 c+ Light Cavalryman 24 c+
Heavy Infantryman 16 c+ Medium Infantryman 14 c+ Light Infantryman 12 c+
Archers/Slingers 10 c+ Mounted Archers 13 c+

Peacetime Military

Occupation Wage Occupation Wage Occupation Wage
Caillmaster 29 c Geirrmaster 27 c Lanstmaster 30 c
Messermaster 28 c Archery Master 26 c Riding Master 25 c
Watchmen 15 c Town Guard 18-20 c Constable 24 c
responsible for the security of a jail
17 c Bailiff
makes arrests and carries out executions
20 c Catchpole
finds and brings in debtors
18 c
Marshal's Retainer 32 c Governor's Retainer 35 c Capitol Retainer 38 c
First-year Conscript 2+ Second-year Conscript 5+


Occupation Wage Occupation Wage Occupation Wage
Diplomat 25-35 c Herald 25 c Summoner 22 c
Treasurer 35 Clerk 17 c Minter 30 c
Magistrate 34 c Barrister 28 c Solicitor 21-23 c
Cartographer 17 c Messenger 15 c


Occupation Wage Occupation Wage Occupation Wage
manages either a seminary, college, or university
30/32/36 c Professor
an instructor in a university; likely also a scholar
27 c University Scholar
either an advanced or graduated student that has dedicated themselves to the study of a certain field and is patronized by the university
15 c+
a private instructor that specializes in a certain subjectps
25 c Instructor
also known as a schoolmaster or schoolmistsress; instructs pupils in a seminary or college
22-23 c Librarian 20 c
Illuminator 30 c Clerk 17 c Fencing Instructor 25 c


Occupation Wage Occupation Wage Occupation Wage
Shipwright 35 c Wainwright 30 c Wheelwright 18 c
builds houses
22 c Carpenter
builds houses
20 c Wood-Joiner
makes furniture
16 c
saws wood into boards
13 c Basket-weaver 14 c Hurdle-maker 13 c
carves architectural details from stone
20 c Woodcarver
carves wood
16-20 c Horncarver 17 c
Lapidary 27 c Tight Cooper 17 c Slack Cooper 14
Glazier 25 Glassblower 18 Lensgrinder 22 c
Potter 16 c Tile-burner 12 c Plasterer 11 c
Blacksmith 21 c Whitesmith 24 c Brownsmith 22 c
Aursmith 28 c Sterlingsmith 26 c Tinkersmith 19-21 c
Armorer 27 c Weaponsmith 24 c Farrier 18-20 c
Bowyer 18 c Fletcher 16 c Chandler 13 c
Carders 11-12 c Spinsters 10 c Roper
makes rope and nets
10 c
Weaver 23 Dyer 12 c Tanner 13-16 c
Tailor 19-21 c Hatter 21 c Cobbler 18 c
Apothecary 20 c Cook 17 c Baker 17 c
Cheesemonger 15 Vinter 26 c Brewer 13 c
Reedmaker 17 c Luthier 20 c Besom-maker 12 c
Pattern-maker 23 c Broderer 16 c


Note: Does not include craftsmen that sell their own wares.

Occupation Wage Occupation Wage Occupation Wage
sells heather as fuel
12 c Collier
sells coal as fuel
14 c Woodseller
sells wood as fuel
13 c
drives livestock to market
15-16 c Greengrocer 22 c Costermonger 26 c
Butcher 24 c Fishmonger 18 c Poulter 20 c
Oynter 15 c Eggler 11 c Spicer 30 c
Peddler 10 c Plumer 14 c Stationer 16-18 c
Old-clothes Dealer 11 c Draper
sells fabric
19 c


This section does not merely refer to people who do hard physical labor, but generally covers all who sell their services rather than goods and produce.

Occupation Wage Occupation Wage Occupation Wage
Physician 25-35 c Surgeon 23-27 c Midwife 20 c
Bookkeeper 17-19 c Moneychanger 20 c Moneylender 22-25 c
transcribes and reads letters for clients who cannot read and write
14 c Ostler 14-17 c+ Coachman 20 c+
Innkeeper 20-30 c Taverner
owns and operates an eatery
17-27 c Cook 15 c
owns and operates a public bath-house
19-20 c Barber 17 c Bath Attendant 15-16 c
Tapster/Barkeep 14 c Serving Maid/Serving Boy 12 c Scullion 8 c
Quarrier 15-16 c Miner 14 c Woodcutter/Logger 11-13 c+
Tiller/Sower/Harvester 10 c Miller 15 c Papermiller 17 c
Thatcher 12 Shingler 13 c Laundress/Washerwoman 14 c
Bargeman 14 c Ferryman 12 c Street-sweep 9 c
Drayman 12 c Dung-carter 10 c Chimney-sweep 11 c
Runner 8 c Saltboiler 10 c Delver 10 c

Entertainers & Artists

Obviously, many entertainers do not exactly have a wage. Traveling entertainers are paid by passers-by, and the amount can fluctuate wildly; then, of course, they have to move on when one settlement is losing interest and endure days or even a couple weeks in the wilderness with no income at all. When a celebration of some kind is being held, they may be hired for the day, for three days, or even for the week. Thus, traveling entertainers live out of tents and travel in caravans, although not infrequently inns will offer them room and board in exchange for their performance.

The situation of other entertainers offers a measure of stability. Some, like mummers which perform at a theatre, are paid a regular wage. Some minstrels are contracted to entertain tavern guests. The even more fortunate are subsidized by patrons.

Occupation Wage Occupation Wage Occupation Wage
Playwright 7-20 c
30 c
Poet 9 c
17 c
Scrivener 8 c
15 c
Jester 7-12 c
11-13 c
Barker 11 c
Bear-ward 9-16 c
Mummer 9-11 c
Storyteller 4-13 c
Singer 4-13 c
14-16 c
Trumpeter 3-11 c
12-14 c
Hornist 3-11
12-14 c
Piper 3-11
12-14 c
Harper 3-11 c
12-14 c
Lutist 3-11 c
12-14 c
Fiddler 3-11 c
12-14 c
Drummer 2-9 c
12-14 c
Sculptor 30-40 c
50-60 c
Painter 20-50 c
40-50 c
Juggler 2-10 c
Knife-thrower 4-13 c
Tightrope-walker 4-13 c
Contortionist 5-14 c
Fire-breather 5-15 c
Puppeteer 2-10 c
Aerialist 20 c
Acrobat 20 c
Dancer 5-14 c
16-18 c
Illusionist 7-12 c
13-15 c

Farmers & Fanciers

This category focuses on those who breed, care for, and train animals, as well as raise crops.

Occupation Wage Occupation Wage Occupation Wage
Groom 16 c Stablehand 10-12 c Horse Breeder 30 c
Horse Trainer 18 c Donkey Breeder 24 c Donkey Trainer 14 c
Cattle Farmer 25 ce Cowherd 12 c Ox Trainer 16 c
Sheep Farmer 22 ce Shepherd 11 c Akerman
plows a field with oxen, horses, or donkeys
13 c
Goat Farmer 22 ce Goatherd 11 c Milkmaid/Milkman 10 c
Pig Farmer 20 ce Swineherd 11 c Beekeeper 20 c
Goose Farmer 18 ce Gooseherd 7 c Chicken Farmer 17 ce
Duck Farmer 16 ce Duckherd 5 c Dog Breeder 35 c
Pigeoneer 15-17 c Falconer 30 c Dairy Farmer 18 ce
Vegetable Farmer 17-19 ce Orchardist 21-23 ce Vigneron 25 ce
Mushroom Cultivator 15 ce Granger
grows grain crops
16-17 ce Drover 15 c


Some of the occupations listed under Domestic are also found in other lists. In order to be employed in a household, these individuals are usually a cut above and have excellent reputations, thus meriting more status and better pay. However, it is perfectly acceptable for them to be given the same wages as their counterparts if they are also housed and fed by their lord.
Occupation Wage Occupation Wage Occupation Wage
32 c+ Housekeeper
responsible for the house, servants, pantry, and keys
25 c+ Groundskeeper
responsible for the grounds and all the gardeners
22 c+
personal attendant to the gentleman of the house
17 c+ Handmaid
personal attendant to the lady of the house; usually specializes in hairdressing
18 c+ Nursemaid
caretaker to the children and first instructor
20 c+
suitable for genteel, high-visibility tasks such as answering doors, announcing guests, waiting on sons of the house or male guests, handing women into carriages, and waiting at table
15 c+ Parlormaid
suitable for genteel, high-visibility tasks such as answering doors, announcing guests, waiting on daughters of the house or female guests, and waiting at table
15 c+ Wetnurse
nurses and takes care of the baby
20 c+
suitable for heavy lifting and menial, low-visibility tasks, such as porting luggage and tending fires
12 c+ Housemaid
suitable for menial, low-visibility tasks such as cleaning, emptying chamber pots, and tending to fires
12 c+ Governess
22 c+
Coachman 19+ Groom 15+ Stablehand 10-12 c
Gardener 12 c Fewterer
handles and releases the dogs on a hunt
10+ Kennelmaster
cares for the hunting dogs and sometimes is responsible for breeding them
17-19 c
Cook 14 c+ Kitchen Helper
preps ingredients, draws water, turns spits, chops firewood
10 c+ Scullion
scrubs pots in the kitchen
5 c+
a versatile servant who tends to both menial and genteel tasks; runs errands in town, such as fetching groceries and parcels or delivering messages
13 c+


Occupation Wage Occupation Wage Occupation Wage
Captain 18-20 c+ Quartermaster
buys supplies and manages crew
17 c+ Boatswain
ensures the ship is in good condition
14 c+
Navigator 15 c+ Carpenter 11 c+ Cooper 9 c+
Cook 9-10 c+ Sailor 7-9 c+ Cabin Boy 5 c+


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