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The Founding of Strixhaven

In the beginning, there was naught but darkness in The Onyx Expanse. From the primordial void emerged a being of great power, a massive dragon with scales as black as the abyss - Nulla, the First.   It roamed the expanse, shaping the stars and the planets with its magic, bringing life to barren worlds and shaping the very fabric of reality. Nulla explored the universe, noticing other beings emerging from the void, both of darkness and destruction and of light and hope.   From Nulla came the first gods, beings of immense power and knowledge who would shape the universe to their will.   Then arrived the mortal races of Allarion, individuals carrying a glimmer of magic within them, and the prospect to unravel the enigmas of the cosmos. Nulla watched as the mortals unlocked the secrets of magic, growing in power and knowledge.   As the mortal races of Allarion began to discover their arcane potential, Nulla grew worried. It knew that if the mortals reached the full extent of their power, they could pose a threat to reality itself.   They began to grow careless with its use. They saw magic as a tool to be wielded without regard for the consequences, and soon their power began to exceed their wisdom.   In their hubris, they unleashed a great cataclysm upon the world. It began as a small rift in reality, but soon it grew into a gaping tear that threatened to consume all of Allarion.   The gods themselves could not contain the rift, and as it grew, it unleashed untold horrors upon the world. Monsters from other dimensions poured forth from the rift, wreaking havoc and destruction wherever they went.   The mortal races of Allarion realized too late the gravity of their mistake. They had played with powers they did not fully understand, and now they were paying the price.   Nulla returned to Allarion and lent its power to the gods and the mortals, helping them to contain the rift and banish the monsters back to their own dimensions.   With the cataclysm fresh in their minds, the mortal races of Allarion sought to better understand the nature of magic and its limits and strove to wield it with responsibility and care.   To this end, the most promising mages were recruited to a magical university called Strixhaven, where they honed their powers and learned not only the theory of magic but also its practical applications.   The mission of Strixhaven University was and is to discover and preserve magical knowledge, disseminate that knowledge from one generation to the next, and enhance the lives of people throughout the world through the use of magic.

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