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Aureon (a.k.a. Ouralon Lawbringer (Giants))

The Sovereign of Law and Lore, Aureon is the patron of wizards and a figure venerated by scholars and librarians. He is the god of magic as a tool for mortals to use. Although all members of the Host are considered equal it is typically written that the Host follows Aureon's guidance due to his vast wisdom.   Long ago, Aureon bound all the evil in his soul and banished it from his personage. This monster became known as The Shadow. It is said that Allenia will come to an end when he and his shadow rejoin. Aureon is the brother of Onatar and the husband of Boldrei. Aureon is portrayed as a blue dragon sometimes as a gnome or human wizard.   The legendary blue dragon Ourelonastrix brought the secrets of magic to the giants ultimately leading to their destruction. This event is known as kurash Ourelonastrix or Aureon's folly.

Divine Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils

Prayers and Rites: Aureon’s rites are formal, with specific methods of offering thanks or requesting favors. Sacrifices can be almost anything, so long as they have value to the petitioner and represent a willingness to place material acquisition below the desire for understanding. Oaths to tell the truth, such as before a magistrate, are often taken in Aureon’s name.   Shrines: Shrines to Aureon are normally stone and contain many carvings that support the acquisition of knowledge, such as historical murals. All contain a library of some sort, even if the community can manage no more than a table strewn with a handful of books or parchments.
Divine Classification
Lawful Neutral


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