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Balinor (a.k.a. Banor the Bloody Spear (Giants))

The Sovereign of Horn and Hunt, Balinor embodies the hunt and nature amongst the gods of The Sovereign Host. Revered by rangers, druids and barbarians alike Balinor represents the embodiment of nature, and taking what is needed from the bounty of nature.   The brother of Arawai and The Devourer, Balinor is usually portrayed as a stalking green dragon  although occasionally he is drawn as a crude but good natured half-orc and, a burly human.

Divine Domains

Life, Nature

Tenets of Faith

Prayers and Rites: Sacrifices to Balinor consist of animal flesh, which must come from a creature slain for food, fur, or tools; killing an animal only for sacrifice is an insult to the sovereign of the hunt. Tradition holds that the better the cut of meat, the more Balinor is inclined to hear the request.   Shrines: Balinor’s shrines are constructed of wood, often covered in furs or greenery to better blend into the background. A temple is rarely found within a town, although it might be only a few minutes’ walk away.
Divine Classification
Other Affiliations


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