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Powerful and curious, quick to act, and knowledgeable of the wider world, Centaurs seek to experience life's boundless bounty. These bands occupy territories situated between the Red Mountains and the Surrock Highlands, making them common sights to those who travel the Brokenlands. Not ones to settle in permanent homes, though, Centaurs might be found wherever there are wonders to be witnessed and adventures to be had.

Additional Information

Social Structure

For the Centaurs, love is a finicky a process. When one wishes to gain the love of another, they must forge a beautifully crafted Torc with their name or a picture representing them featured on it, called a Saarta-Kohtvuu, and leave it in the home of their prospective lover. They must then wait for a full week. If, during the week, the recipient of the torc appears in public wearing it, then the proposal is accepted. If the week goes by without the object of your love wearing the torc, then the proposal is rejected. If the proposal is rejected, then the torc is returned to its maker and melted down. If you haven't yet given up, then you are supposed to forge another torc from the same metal and start the process again. Traditionally, if one has attempted to win the love of another eight times, and has eight times been rejected, then the metal from the torc is melted down and reforged as a knife, which one plunges through their own heart. However, this practice fell out of favour centuries ago.
Centaurs mature and age at about the same rate as humans.
Average Height
Centaurs stand between 6 and 7 feet tall, with their equine bodies reaching about 4 feet at the withers
Average Weight
600lbs - 750lbs


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