BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Elessandra is a fey that fell in love with a mortal human named Frodrieck worked as a Miller in a small town in the Dayd Thicket. She decided to leave the Feywild and live a life with Frodrieck.   Elessandra was a member of the River Court and the River King gave her permission to leave and live her life on the Material Plane. He also considered it penance and punishment for the trouble she caused with her sister Gwen.   For years she lived happily with the Miller and was happy with her simple life. So she realized the River King had created a clause to their agreement and she was barren while in the material plane. She could not have children while she resided in the mortal plane. Upset and distraught he attempted to go back to the Feywild to see if they could conceive while residing there. After many attempts, she finally was with child and resided full term in the Feywild and bore a child named Flax. The Miller Frodrieck was unaware of his wife's deception and still to this day is unaware of his son.   Flax grew quickly and without much supervision in the Feywild as his mother went back to her husband. Years passed in the Feywild and the child grew. He made friends and enemies and grew as a half fey, half mortal.   After some time Elessandra realized her love for Frodrieck was fading. She decided to make a clean getaway to the Feywild and leave her Husband to think she died. Unfortunately, her plan backfired and the Miller was accused of murdering his wife. She was also unaware of a plot by Flax and Jenny Greenteeth organizing an attack on the Material Plane.
Current Residence
Long Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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