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Samurai Jack (a.k.a. The Samurai)

Trapped on the 1st level of hell. Sent there by a demon wizard named Aku. Wandering the plane with a companion of a lesser demon rogue named Tuggs. Since youth, Jack trained in many different areas under numerous teachers in a variety of skills to defeat the demon Aku.   Jack met the Circle of Six early on in their adventures after they were kidnapped by the Forgotten Heirs. He was vital in there escape from the plane as he and Tuggs stayed behind to close the gate as the Forgotten tried to capture/kill them as they escaped.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Jack strongly exhibits the characteristics of a stoic hero. He is unfailingly kind and generous, and will always attempt to help those in need, as well as dispatching sage like wisdom to those he believes are in need of guidance. He often ends up sacrificing a chance to return to his own time in order to help someone else. He has had considerable development during his time in the future. Initially, though polite and refined, he was very quick to anger and even more quick to being frustrated or irritated.

Special abilities

Agelessness/Enhanced Longevity: Due to an unintended side effect of Aku's time-traveling spell, Jack can no longer physically age, potentially able to live indefinitely. Also, as a result, he has retained his youthful appearance along with his prime health and vitality, despite being in his seventies or eighties, chronologically. However, he's not immortal and is still susceptible to death via starvation, cold, or physical injury. Also, Jack still vulnerable to pain or injuries, and can be killed in the same manner as any normal human would. This longevity doesn't apply to his metabolism thus he still requires food, water, and rest. It also did not prevent him from growing out more hair, as his black hair grew out into an unkempt mane and his facial hair developed into a thick beard.   Animal Empathy: Jack's pure nature has commonly shown a strong connection to animals of various size and shapes. Often, they grow attached to and in essence become his allies. To which, he is able to keep them tame enough as a means of transportation. His connection with animals even at times allows him to in a manner of speaking communicate with them, able to understand their intentions.   Cunning: Jack has demonstrated a high level of understanding and intelligence, proving to be an expert at planning and creating strategies for confrontations, using his surroundings to his advantage, and seeing through Aku's deception on quite a few occasions. This cunning allows him to easily plan for his opponents and make strategies, both ahead of time or in the heat of the moment.   Hunting/Survival Skills: Living among Aku's regime greatly limits the number of places Jack can visit for a meal, even when he has money. So, Jack tends to live in the wild where he must obtain his own food and water. As such, he's a proficient hunter, trapper, forager, and cook. He also has basic medical skills, and he tends to patch himself back up after his battles. On one occasion, Jack created a rope trap out of vines for catching a wild boar and would have succeeded if not for the unexpected arrival of the Woolies. Despite his mostly living in the wild, he still maintained an impeccable level of personal hygiene.   Master Archer: Jack has shown to have excellent skills in archery since he was trained by Robin Hood.   Master Marksman: Jack has high levels of precision and accuracy even at a great distance, rarely missing his target.   Master Martial Artist: Jack has shown impressive mastery in many styles of martial arts. He been taught in every form of combat known to man by numerous instructors (including Jack's Teachers) from all over the world. Some of the styles include the Shaolin Praying Mantis, Tiger and Eagle styles, Greek Wrestling, and African Stick Fighting. In his youth, Jack also learned how to use unfamiliar weapons by observing others, and adapting their style into his own skills to use them more effectively as necessary.   Master Melee Fighter: Jack is well versed in a number of weapons that range from spears and staffs to nunchukus and shurikens, as shown in his fights.   Master Swordsman: Jack's signature and arguably greatest skill is his performance with a sword. Jack's style relies primarily on swiftness and precision in his strikes, balancing with strong defensive stances that parry his opponent's strikes until finding an opening for a decisive blow. Very few opponents have been demonstrated to be a match for his swordsmanship, among them The Scotsman, The Ninja, and the sword-wielding Warforged, and even fewer can outright defeat him, such as The Guardian. His trademark technique is the Tremendous Horse Cut, in which he jumps into the air and slashes the opponent with tremendous force during his fall to break their defense or destroy their armor.   Multilingual: Due to his travels around the world in his native era, Jack was taught by many different cultures, including Common, Infernal, Sylvan and more. Presumably, he learned the local languages and dialects of his teachers during this time period, as international tongues were rare in his period of history.   Ninjutsu: Jack has had training in ninjitsu, having been trained to blend in with his surroundings. His preferred style is to blend in with the light. He does this by simply reversing his kimono so that he is dressed in white, and tying white bandages around his face, hands, and feet, after which he employs his training. 50 years later, he is even able to blend even with little clothing to disguise himself with.   Peak Human Conditioning: From spending the majority of his life preparing to face Aku and constantly facing adversity in his quest to return home, Jack has honed his body to the absolute limit of human potential. Given the fact he no longer ages and maintains a healthy lifestyle, he probably will remain that way for the forseeible future.   Peak Human Agility: Jack is extremely agile and he often use this speed to his advantage against any opponent. He can easily do back-flips to avoid danger and land on his feet with ease.   Peak Human Endurance: Jack has shown many times to be highly resistant to harm. He withstood powerful blows from inhumanly strong opponents relatively unfazed and being slammed through rocks only to quickly brush it off. Even with injures he does sustain, he has a high threshold for pain, able to continue fighting with no hindrance to his performance. He has even survived falls from great heights that would kill a normal person. Jack also has an unfathomable reserve of stamina. In addition to rarely tiring, even after such, he is shown able to fight off hundreds of opponents for days. And still able to move and survive despite losing a lot of blood.   Peak Human Senses: Jack's years of training have honed his senses to surreal levels. With them, he is highly alert to any approaching threat and likewise is able to quickly react to even the fastest of opponents.   Peak Human Speed: Jack is shown to be extremely swift. With his natural reflexes and sheer footwork, he is able to avoid arrows, carve through entire armies within seconds, and even defeat a team composed entirely of highly skilled bounty hunters from all directions in the time it takes for a drop of water to hit the ground.   Peak Human Strength: Jack has deceptive raw strength for his lean frame, able to cleanly cut through most machines with little effort, and can easily throw opponents much larger than himself. Also, following his training with the blue monkeys, his strength increased immensely, able to jump about while weighed down all over by large rocks and boulders. In building up his muscles for this improved physical prowess, he also gained the ability to jump about hundreds of feet into the air, even from a stationary position.   Willpower: Jack seems to possess a nearly indomitable force of will, able to push himself through virtually any hardship in order to vanquish Aku. This ability is not absolute however, and he is capable of becoming disheartened and, at one point, he nearly gave up his quest (though on that occasion he got over himself in rather short order after being reminded of what it was that he fought for).
Current Location
Dark Eyes
Black long when not tied in top knot
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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