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The Fury

The Fury Szorawai (a.k.a. The Whisper)

The Sovereign of Rage and Ruin, The Fury represents passion driven to extremes, seen in her conception at the rape of Arawai by The Devourer (who is the Fury's father & Arawai's brother).   A patron to any who let their passions drive their motivations, she watches over barbarians everywhere as well as artisans, craftsmen and bards. A number of intelligent monstrous races worship her.   Daughter of Arawai and The Devourer, the Fury is portrayed as a half-elf, drow or a snakelike Wyrm.

Divine Domains

Domains: Evil, Liberation, Hatred, Madness, Passion, Wrath.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Holy Symbol: A red-and-black, winged wyrm with a woman’s head and upper body.

Tenets of Faith

Prayers and Rites: The Fury’s rites are deeply personal affairs. Sacrifices almost always involve bloodshed, sometimes on the part of the petitioner, sometimes not. One word that never describes any rite conducted in the Fury’s name is “somber.”   Shrines: Shrines to the Fury are as varied as her worshipers. Temples are strangely elaborate and meticulously maintained. By contrast, a monstrous shrine might be little more than a pile of bones, with fresh kills piled regularly on top.
Divine Classification
Aligned Organization


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